
How often do you brush your hair?

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How often do you brush your hair?




  1. Once every morning.

    But when I'm at summer camp I rarely brush it :)

  2. everyday at least 5 times

  3. At the most once every 2 weeks.

    /me shrugs

    Im a guy o/

  4. Dont own one. My hair is so straight all brushing does is make an oily mess.

  5. obvious like every hour  

  6. I brush my hair twice a day, one in the morning when I wake up and at night before I go to bed. I avoid brushing my hair when it is wet.

  7. never

  8. Probably every 30 minutes. People love my hair and I'm OCD about it.

  9. couple time a week. i got short hair and wear a beany most the time.. brushing it just gives you split ends

  10. i only brush mine once a day

    maybe twice if im going out

    if i brush it too much it goes greasy

  11. my hair is curly so i only brush it when i wash it when its wet so like i brush i once every 2 days

  12. Not very often.  My hair is short and naturally straight, it doesn't ever get tangled(I sleep with my hair in a ponytail).

  13. erm if i straighten it then probably only once otherwise three times...

  14. 3 times a day

  15. in the morning and in the afternoon and after I take a shower

  16. When it's messy - duh.

  17. I only brush it when its wet after I wash it...I have curly hair so you are not actually meant to brush it when its dry, or the curls turn to frizz!

  18. atv least six times in a day :o)

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