
How often do you brush your teeth ?

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How often do you brush your teeth ?




  1. after every meal an snack! so in the morning when i wake up after breakfast lunch snack dinner and before bed so times a day! i have to cause i have braces....

  2. about 5-7 times a day. I just recently got braces put on and brush after I eat anything! Before braces, about 2-3 times a day, atleast two times.

  3. three times a day.

    when i wake up.

    after i eat breakfast

    before i go to bed

  4. I brush my teeth two times a day in the morning and in the evning but since i got spacers they really hurt so ive only been brushing my teeth at night.

  5. Two times a day

  6. about 3 times a day

    sometimes after every meal

  7. I brush my teeth six times a day.

  8. Once in the morning .

    ANd one at night before bed .

  9. I brush my teeth 2 times a day and sometimes more if I'm going out or just wanna feel fresh.

  10. first thing in the morning and after every meal.

  11. hehe u guys got so much time to brush more than 2 times a day? ... I only brush 2x a day ( night and morning) but now i'm starting to rinse with mouth wash after meal ....

  12. At least three times a day - 4 if i eat a snack between meals.

  13. I used to smoke and drink tea so often that my teeth looks so yellow. I tried all these kind of white strips and tooth paste but they didn't work at all. One day a friend of mine from Tai Wan mailed me a tooth powder product and I used it normally like tooth paste and it did whiten my teeth immediately. My friend said that tooth product was once recommended by a famous celebrity and I have been using it for many years up till now. It does work and it costs just $60 /143g !! If you want to know more,

  14. At least 2 times a day

  15. 2-3 times a day, sometimes even 4, it depends what ive had to eat, if ive just had sweets ill feel guilty and brush them again

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