
How often do you change your avatar?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I dont change it that often, only once in a blue moon. I am always scared to change mine, because I fear people wont recognize me.

  2. Never

  3. i dont

  4. I change my avatar once a month.

  5. Whenever I get bored with it!! xD

  6. ♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•♥

    lyk twice a month


  7. Rarely- If I changed it, people might not know who I am


  8. I changed the hair on mine the other day,as have let mine grow and it look's like this now.. :-)

  9. not that often

  10. Never.........

  11. about every month, or wen i change my appearance, like a haircut or something

  12. Whenever i qet bored with it, or if theres an occasion =)

    On the 14th of July im chanqinq it cuhsz its my beeday =)

  13. Every month!

  14. i just changed it to this picture a few days ago.

    and before that, i only changed it for prom.

    so not very often.

  15. Every few months

  16. i usually have two-4 avatars that i like to switch when i'm getting tired of one.

  17. Usually once a week or so, sometimes more often, sometimes less.

  18. Every other week.

  19. alot.=]

  20. when i feel like , which is never

  21. not often...but i just changed it yesterday! it now features my favorite band all time low xD

  22. when I feel like it no set time x

  23. whenever i get a new pic of myself =]

  24. Only recently went to pics ... the other has been like that for months ....

  25. bout as often as I change my face

  26. Very little...It is too much trouble! :P

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