
How often do you change your lavatory cleaning brush?

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Is yours a brush to match a fancy container, to be used until the decor is changed, or do you replace often with the plain plastic cheapy from local supermarket?




  1. you are better off not having one of these revolting things, put a rubber glove on plenty of bleach and scrub the loo with a scratchy pad, the sort you use for washing up.  If the loo is done every day it stays beautiful and clean.  I think these are just harbingers of germs  yuk

  2. I don't like lavatory brushes. We never had one when I was a kid either. They harbour germs and look disgusting (you can see what they are used to remove-yeuch!) when you see them in other people's loos. I just wipe off any 'accidents' left on the toilet bowl with toilet roll then flush it away and use a toilet cleaner/bleach around the toilet pan. This is much more hygienic than a brush left 'hanging around'.

  3. When I moved into a house a few months ago that I'm renting with a friend, there was a toilet brush still in the bathroom. When we tried to move it, it was stuck inside the holder (gross!) so we ditched it and got a new cheapo one.

  4. There's no need to change it if you keep it spotless. I never put it back in the container dirty. Pour neat bleach on it (watch your clothes) and swish it around in the loo until it's clean. I also keep a bit of bleachy water in the container all the time, replacing it every few days, and I buy the cheapo one from Tesco if I need a new one, but they last for years if kept clean.

  5. Take no notice of answers above if they don't like the question they don't have to answer it

  6. Haven't needed to change it as yet, we just pop it into the dishwasher on occasion and it comes out as good as new.

  7. I don't know if this is a serious question. But incase it is...I don't use those toilet cleaning brushed. They are infested with nasty bacteria. Instead I use the toilet wand with the changable head. Then when I use one I just flush it down. I know it's bad for the environment and all, but I'd rather not have all that nasty bacteria in my bathroom.

  8. This is an odd question, but I'll play along...

    Our lavatory brush is one of those that has a not-so-fancy container that goes with it.  I don't replace those brushes that often, but I clean them with bleach twice a year.

  9. you need to get out more!

  10. I change mine as soon as the old one starts to taste funny.

  11. what sort of person asks that question over the internet?

    and y do u need 2 no

    its a toilet brush

    change it when it starts 2 smell

  12. dont use loo brushes as they carry germs even when u have been usin bleach in loo i use rubber gloves with a sponge and bleach. get to where u need instead of missin places.

  13. Change them when they need it.  Bleach every week.  What a nosy question.  You don't have enough things to think about.

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