
How often do you complete the following house chores?

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Mop floors

Scrub the shower & toilet

Change your bed sheets

Change your towels

Be honest!




  1. Vacuum, change sheets, change towels once a week

    Scrub shower and toilet every other week

    Mop -What's that?? I usually do it once a month (But if there is a spot I'll clean it up with a rag)

  2. it gets done everyday by our "house help"

    Easy and convienent

  3. Vacumm every week day.

    Mop floores everyother week day.

    Scrub the shower and toilet 2 times a week.

    Change bed sheets once a month.

    Change towels every 3 days.


  4. I vacuum ever other day

    Mop once a week

    Scrub shower and toilet once a week

    Towles about every other day.

    and sheets about every week

  5. once a week for all of the above

  6. I vacuum every day.

    I mop floors every 2-3 days. I spot mop if there is a spill tho.

    I scrub my shower and toilet every 2 weeks..the kids bathroom every night because I have 5 sons!

    I change bed sheets every 2 weeks unless someone has an accident.

    I change towels after 2 uses for me. The kids always get fresh towels.  

  7. i vaccumm once week. mop flrs once twice a week. change bed sheets if they smell or got stained. i launder my towels once week. thats honset.

  8. I, myself only change my bed sheets.

    I leave the rest to my parents :D

  9. Vacuum: every other day

    Mop: once a week (not often enough)

    Scrub the shower & toilet (once each week)

    Change bed sheets (once each week, blankets and comforter are monthly)

    Change towels: every time I use them

  10. I vacuum every other day.

    I mop once a week.

    I scrub the shower when it needs it and the toilet every week.

    I clean the sheets every other week when I'm doing laundry.

    I wash the towels when we have none left.

  11. vaccuum every day, mop every other week, scrub shower and toilet weekly, change my bed sheets once a week or less, and change my towels daily. lots of washing!

  12. Every single week.  I vacuum and dust every day, or every other day after work, (my dog is shedding a lot now) and clean up whatever needs to be cleaned up during the week.  It just makes it easier for me when Saturday comes around.  I do the serious cleaning then.

  13. Change towels everyday,

    all the rest, once a week, barring unforeseen accidents

  14. Vacuum: Every few days (only cause I have an infant that likes to find small bits of paper/trash and eat them. Yuck

    Mop: every month or so, whenever I have dinner guests over

    scrub the shower or toilet: well we have daily shower spray, but the deep cleaning maybe once every 2 weeks, same with the toilets

    bed sheets: gosh, not often enough

    towels: twice a week

  15. Basically the same as the very first persons answer except we like never mop the floors at my house!

  16. 1-every other day

    2-twice a week

    3-once a week

    4-once every 2

    5-twicw a month,LOL  SERIOUSLY!!!

  17. Vacuum every other day or as needed;

    Mop kitchen once a week, clean up spills as needed;

    Shower & toilet, usually twice a week, can't stand a dirty bathroom!

    Bed sheets, usually every 2 weeks because we shower at night;

    Change towels, after every other shower.  You're clean after you bathe so a towel should go at least 2 times.

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