
How often do you cut your grass?

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How often do you cut your grass?




  1. when its not to hot or rainy once a week. once every 2 if drought. twice a week if very rainy

  2. Every 3 days if you want a nice lawn.

  3. Every 3-8 days, depending on rain, time of year.  Typically, though, every 5 days.

  4. we mow once a week, don't have time to do it more than that.

  5. I have centipede which doesn't require mowing as often as most grasses.  No more than once a week and during periods of little rain it has been known to go 2-3 weeks.

  6. my father in law runs a contracting service and we mow for the Forestry Service here in Ky and we mow ever 2 weeks regardless of how much rain we've had. that keeps the grass nice and green and pretty for all the visitors to

  7. Once a week.Sometimes it needs it more often after a big rain.

  8. OH, because I'm a bit lazy, we have a big yard and a push mower, I usually put it off as long as possible.  Usually every 8-12 days depending on how much it's rained and how scraggly the lawn is looking.  

  9. depends on how much rain we've had, twice a week after a lot of rain,

    once a week if it's been dry for awhile!

  10. Once a week through the spring and then when the hot weather comes I don't water so the lawn goes dormant which is what it is supposed to do in hot weather and I don't have to mow it. Come the

    fall and the rains start it greens up again and comes back to life and

    it is back to mowing once a week until it is too cold..  

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