
How often do you drink diet coke??

by  |  earlier

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I used to be an everyday diet coke girl... until I read the ingredients ... now I only do water. My body just feels different. Are you a soda drinker? Or did you used to be?




  1. I try to limit my Soda intake to about 1 regular, non diet soda every week.  When I read the Diet Coke label, the thought hit me that it's basically a chemical soup... I think I can do without the phenylketonurics in my beverages lol.

  2. diet pepsi, all day everyday!

  3. ~ I drink water daily.  I do drink diet caffeine coke but only when I visit friends or are at a BBQ..It is pretty rare.  I feel better just drinking water.  The caffeine is soda is horrible, it is best to drink caffeine sodas and teas if you are not drinking water...That's what I think.

  4. I drink 1 can of caffeine

    free diet coke a day

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