
How often do you eat at a fast-food restaurant?

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How often do you eat at a fast-food restaurant?




  1. once a month or less

  2. Never. I like to cook at home.

  3. Not so often as I would like....

    I could eat at old Mc...........  all days of my life. I could sleep there, have breakfast, lunch, dinner..... and start all over again the day after!!!!                :)

  4. Maybe once every 4-6 weeks. I respect my body enough to care what I put into it.

    Plus it's way cheaper to prepare quick meals myself rather than pay someone to do it for me.

  5. Never.  I don't  consider a fast food place a restaurant.

  6. last time would have been 6 months ago..

    i haven't had a take away in yonks either, i might treat myself to a chinese or fish and chips or a kebab..

    It's nice the odd time, but as a diet staple, it's a no no..

  7. i hardly eat out but i used to a lot during the summer.

  8. once or twice a week.  fast food is scary!!!

  9. Good evening to you SKYCAT  :-)

    Never ever i always cook my self for the whole family,

    its something i enjoy to do,

    i also know what they are eating, and i know its not junk they fill themselfs with...


  10. maybe 2 or 3 times a year I just dont like the food and it is so unhealthy if I want to get sick I can eat my own food it makes me vomit but is good for you

  11. not very often

  12. Rarely. I avoid eating fast food.

  13. Maybe twice a month

  14. once every 3 months

  15. I have not eaten fast food in about a year..........

    I really do miss it...........

  16. I hardly eva do because I am normally eating in.

  17. my family gets it once a week at least.

    Which is weird, cause we're all skinny lol

  18. Well I live in a small town where there is hardly anything to eat besides subway and mcdonalds.  And believe me I try to eat as Subway more than mcdonalds.. but every once and a while I have those cravings for mcdonalds fries. so I would have to say I eat it at least...6 times a month...

  19. like 1-2 a week.

    but burn it off after :) aha

  20. never been to a restaurant but love take aways

  21. i dont, i eat and cook at home every night

  22. the last time i ate fast food was about 3 months ago.....

    ..... McDonalds, yuuuuummmm.... =]

  23. Never!

    We enjoy pub meals, but my husband boasts that he never has, and never will set foot in a McDonalds having caught a glimpse of the conditions from outside and seen the large amount of litter which the place causes around our local streets.

  24. I absolutely love fast food but I know it's so harmful so I stay away from it.  If one day it's proven to be healthy for you i'll be there everyday!

  25. Rarely, i have to watch my cholesterol

  26. Hardly ever. Not a thing I could bring myself to do on a regular basis.

  27. everyday.... an im getting sick of it... totally eating at home from now on!

  28. About 1 Time Evry 3 months

    Im a male model i respect ma bod x

  29. Twice a week.

  30. Not very often, I am trying to learn some cooking on my own.

  31. Every day

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