
How often do you eat in your car?

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I read somewhere that americans eat twice a week in their car, on average. As a Brit, I find this hard to believe...




  1. Never ever, 0, none, zero, never,

  2. Never, my mom b*****s at me if I do.

  3. i don't but on ocassions if i'm in a hurry like maybe once or twice a month

  4. Very very seldomly... like once every few months.

  5. I live in london and I probably eat about 2 times a week. I probably use my 15 times a week on average. I wouldnt eat a mean but defiantly a snack or drink.

  6. about once a week, and i love it!

  7. I was raised by nuns from the UK who would often insist that i take my meals outside,must be a UK thing

  8. from kansas and i eat in mi car probably once every two to three months..maybe..

  9. Come to the U.S. and eat at Sonic. You will see why

  10. i prefer to cook my meals at home and then take them out to the car to eat them. it makes me feel more american.

  11. Never, hubby is very particular about his truck.=)

  12. Not even! Only drinks and things that can't be messy/crumb. Best not to, keep your car clean!

  13. true but snacking perhaps, not a full course meal.

  14. never.

  15. As an American I find it hard to believe that Brits don't wash their hair daily..


    Smoking as well, and I'm a smoker.

    Workers in America have on average  30 minutes for lunch.

    By the time they drive to a fast food restaurant, get thru a line, get a hamburger or such, get thru traffic, they have to scarf down their lunch in their car, on the way back to work and hope they return to work on time.

  17. I drink coffee in my car every day.  Eating...well I don't usually, but there have been a couple of times.

  18. none

  19. ugh. True for me

    I eat in my car every morning and on my way home from school. But I'm a really busy person, so I'm always hungry

    ( I should really try to schedule my time better )

  20. Couple of times a week.

    Why is it hard to believe?

    I mean we don't sit down to full course meals like you would sit down in a restauarant to eat.

  21. I'm an American and I eat 75% of my meals in my car, at least 2 meals a day. My car is 13 meters long and has a full kitchen, dining room, bedroom, bathroom and satellite television. It is a recreational vehicle.

    In America you can by microwave ovens that will run in cars at truck stops. That would make eating in cars easier.

  22. Lunch 5 days a week. That way  I can listen to the radio.

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