
How often do you eat out in a week?

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Is it fast food, or a restaurant?




  1. very often lately... my girlfriend and l love junk food

  2. like 3 times

  3. once a week

  4. Once a week at most.

    Every other week on friday, my boyfriend and I order pizza. =]

    So, fast food I suppose.

  5. 2 or 3 times a week, because its convenient and sometimes cheaper.

    it is fast food once or twice, and restaurant once or twice on the weekends.  so both.

    if i were single, i would probably eat out 4 or 5 times a week.

  6. EVERY DAY. i dont cook so everyday. and it varies, i try to do fast food more often b/c restaurants are expensive

  7. Let's see - 7 days a week times 3 meals a day = 21.  We probably eat out at least 10.  Half fast food and half restaurants.

  8. restruant. 3. times a week .

  9. fast food

    like 3 times a week

  10. I used to be awful about it, probably eating out at least 15 times a week.  I would always go out for lunch and then me and my bf would usually go out to dinner at a restaurant or have delivery.

    Now I am trying to save money so I haven't eaten out and a while.  I can't believe how much money I would blow on food and drinks while I was out.  Drinks alone will make you go broke.

  11. generally I only eat out maybe once a month..... but last week I had some sonic. I really don't like all that greasy food that is sold at the fast food places, I'd rather go hungry and eat a good meal at my house.

  12. we eat out atleast 5 times a week. I hate it cuz you get tired of all the places, hamburgers, etc. I wish my mom knew how to cook!

  13. i eat out around once a week

    i dont eat fast food very often cause it is so unhealthy, and so many calories!  i prefer restauraunts, they are 100 times better!!!

  14. We eat out 2 or 3 times a month. I cook very often. When we go out, it's to a restaurant.

  15. once a week, fast food or a restaurant  depends on what everyone agrees on.

  16. I eat out Monday thru Friday at lunch.  About 95% of the time it is at a restaurant.  Fast food is not healthy.

  17. Actually, i don't really eat fast food much, though last week i did have it twice in that one week, i usually go a week or two with out it...

  18. Usually once or twice a week.  Most Fridays I go to some fast food place (occasionally restaurant) with my mom and at least one another day I go to a restaurant with my friend(s).

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