
How often do you eat pizza?

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How often do you eat pizza?




  1. maybe once every 2 to 3 months

  2. way to much

  3. too much hehe

  4. when im at my bfs its about every other day!

  5. not that often. I'll say every couple of months.

  6. not very often now, but when i did eat everyday for the four years that i was in high school....i love to dip pizza with ketchup and honey mustard...YUM!!

  7. Once a month, cause I can't aford it, but I love it, and would eat it alot, if I could pay for it!!!!!Do you like it Skycat???

  8. Not often enough...maybe once a month or less

  9. About every other week.

    My family has "Pizza Wednesday" every other week. We all get together at my parents house (friends, family, whoever!) and have red wine, fruit, or veggies and of course the pizza! It is best when we are outside. Unfortunately it is winter here and too cold for that. I can't wait for some slices of double cheese tonight!!!

  10. I eat pizza three times a month. I make my own.

  11. Not often enough - probably only once every other month.

  12. Not often  only in summer when I can make my own and cook them on my chiminea outdoors. Have been thinking of building a pizza oven so I can do them more often.  

    Go to :-

    Hope this helps and have a nice day.

  13. Often. I even had some yday.

  14. every other saturday

  15. 3 or 4 times a month. My favorite food.

  16. About once a week lol

  17. after a week i must eat pizza



  18. About once a month.  I love pizza, don't know why I don't eat more.

  19. i love pizza, but unfortunately i have to watch my calories in order to reach my perfect body goal by may. whoo hoo!

    i had it new years though.

    aww pizza..  :(

  20. Anything from fortnightly to weekly, depending where I am. I'm a fussy eater and when at my boyfriends I don't like to cook as he lives at home with his parents who are slobs. So bunging a pizza in the oven is the quickest and easiest option. We tend to order Domino's frequently for this reason, make-your-own with jalepenos, peppers and pepperoni.

  21. loads! i just love it b/v its really tasty, relatively healthy :P and so easy to eat.

    i could really live of pizza, but unfornuately i think i'd turn v. fat v. quickly.

    i also have loads of favourtie toppings, but my fav might have to be chicken with olives and pineapple or something like that. tuna and sweetcorn is great too! aww, i'm really hungry now, gd job i'm eating i a sec,

    i hope its pizza.... :D x

  22. Quite often. I love it!!

  23. twice a month or so

  24. 6/7 days a week

  25. nearly every day

  26. Were lucky to have it every six months.

  27. Not very often at all

  28. NOT very often as it is fattening as I am on yet another diet?

  29. Very rarely, as cheese makes me quite ill.  This sucks!

    So i make my from time to time.  Just have to slap on more of the topping sauce to try to seal it.

  30. every month

  31. Maybe, every other month and sometimes not even that. Not often at all

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