
How often do you eat salad?

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i try to eat salad once a day- along with a sandwich either turkey, tuna, or chicken on wheat bread- what about you?




  1. I eat salad on a daily basis.  I have about three different ways that I like to prepare it.  Since I developed stomach problems, I only eat romaine.  That's the only kind of lettuce my tummy will tolerate.

  2. On average I would say 5 times a week.

  3. For most of my life I ate like a twelve-year-old boy.  I ate cheeseburgers, fried foods, starchy foods.  A month ago I made a change.  

    Now I eat salad at least twice a day on workdays.  All-you-can-eat salad bar at work.  Other vegetables at home on days off.  The transition to a better way of eating will take time.

  4. My family has always eaten salads, usualy some kind or another with dinner every day. I like veggies of all kinds, and many times I will order a salad in a restaurant instead of something else. I always get fish and chips with salad and no chips.

    My salad today was fresh lemon cukes, tomato's and onions from the garden, with balsamic vinigar and olive oil.

  5. When I make salad I make a lot so only have it about 2 or 3 times a week.  I do make a point of having fresh fruit and/or veges every day and eat chicken or turkey 3 or 4 times a week, and fish 2 times.  Also, found out the fresh veges & fruit help to prevent cancer and also peanut butter (1 Tbsp. a day), and all the anti-oxidant things of course.  Read the Dr. Don Colbert books and The Maker's Diet (Jordan Rubin).  Blueberries and egg yolks help you to think better.  Have more eggs than I used to---about 4-5 a week.

  6. About 3-4 times a week with evening dinner.  But I taste-test salads at work, so that adds up to a couple more.  (Not the healthy kind of salad at work though, lots of mayo and oil)

  7. multiple times a day.. they make great side dishes or even as snacks

  8. Everyday. Usually with a baked potato or a sandwich.

  9. I always eat fruits and vegetables everyday. I've eaten them since i was a baby, my mom would mash vegetables or fruit to feed it to me. So i'm really accustomed to it, and i've grown to like all fruit 'n' veg.

    I eat salad about two or three times a week, usually with a baked potato and chicken or fish for my dinner. Whether it's fruit, veg or salad, i eat some everyday.  

  10. I try to eat a green salad twice a week. I usually eat salad with a nice pasta dinner, or with grilled salmon and baked potato. A spinach salad is my favorite.

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