
How often do you feed your child microwave food?

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I read somewhere that theres bad chemicals or radioactive chemicals in microwave food. Is this true? How often does your child get microwaved food?




  1. Well if we need to go somewhere and quick, I usually heat up Hot pockets and they take them in the car. I hardly do ever.

  2. My daughter is 5 months old. She gets solids twice a day and I usually microwave them for no longer than 6 seconds. I mix and check for hot spots. Usually 6 is enough.

  3. Well I am not sure where you read this but it is totally untrue. There are no radioactive chemicals or rays in a microwave. We have microwaved our babies bottles from birth and now her solid foods and she is fine. Our doctor actually told us to microwave the formula before feeding as the warm milk is easier on their tummies than cold. I wouldn't worry about this at all.  

  4. Lets just say, I hope that is not true, becasue we eat microwave food a lot. Not just me, but my kids as well

  5. i hardly ever give my kids microwaved food.  only if the cupboards are empty of everything else, or i'm really pressed for time.

  6. Practically every day since he was a toddler.  I microwave a part of his meals, such as the vegetables, almost every day.  He is 14 and hasn't grown an extra head yet.  

  7. Let's put it this way. I'm 13 and on my own for lunch because I stay home when the family is out most of the time. I eat Hot Pockets or ramen noodles five or six days of the week. And I'm still perfectly healthy.

  8. i feed myself microwaved food a lot, because that's how i warm up the food.

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