
How often do you find yourself holding back your knowledge of a subject because of how it might affect your im

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image i mean




  1. Yes. I am very concerned about how things affect my im.

  2. never

  3. I hold back knowledge not to preserve my image, but in my line of work most information should only be shared on a need-to-know basis.

  4. Occasionally -however, with most of my friends and acquaintances it's known that I have a fair amount of knowledge of a few subjects that I'm not reluctant to speak about.

  5. All the time.

  6. I do it a lot (but not in finance class). I am of that generation of women who were taught never to be smarter than a man. So expressing an intelligent, well thought out opinion still terrifies me. Someone ( a guy?) might laugh, and I would be totally crushed.

    Now that I am QUITE a bit older, I'm getting over it somewhat. But it was reinforced at home, so it's probably there for life!

  7. I'm a know-it-all. It's kind of a problem. I do try to give other people time to speak. But I don't "dumb myself down." Intelligence is about all I have to offer, socially.

  8. Frequently, to avoid sounding like a know-it-all. However, if I'm asked, specifically, about a subject, I will offer what I know

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