
How often do you forget to make dua before you sleep?

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for me it has become a habit now!





  1. I always read the duaa because you never know if your soul will return or not and its a habit now.

  2. hi

    i forget about 95% of the time-probably more- and yet i was the one who teached my little sister who reads nearly all the time once she sees me and remembers.

    for that person who replied "whats dua?"

    it is an Arabic term which means to 'call out' or to 'summon'

    hope this helps

  3. Whats dua.

  4. All the time, I still fall asleep somehow.

  5. pray 4 me I want to take it as a habbit,but I always forget.

  6. All the time.

  7. I didn't know you were supposed to, what are you reffering to?

  8. I always forget!

    Thanks to ramadanis for reminding me all the past habits that I should have made the part of my life!

    Edit: I do that after prayers though!

  9. I'm alhamdulillah a very routine kind of a person so alhamdulillah. But I guess it's a famous saying that at the beginning of striving things r like a burden once u get in the habit that burden carries u & makes u float. I would say it is all a Tawfeeq( enabling) from Allah that make one do good deeds & man thinks he/she hasearned it out of his own efforts.

  10. I NEVER forget to make dua, i remember not to.

    what a waste of 5 mins i could spend sleeping.

  11. well, i do make dua' most of the time!!

  12. I mostly forget. But I think that we should try to remember and force ourselves to, at least, say a couple of duas before sleeping. I think the prophet (pbuh) mentioned how one will be sleeping surrounded with angels (if making duas) or else surrounded by satans (if not making duas).

  13. everyday :)

  14. I didn't know we ought to! I'll be doing that from now on, though.

  15. For the last 2 weeks, I often "doa" before I sleep..


    Al-Fatihah , Kursi , Ikhlas

  16. i don't forget, unless i end up falling asleep when i don't want to lol =P

    Dua before going to sleep, Ayat al-Kursi, Surah al-Fatihah, 4 Quls =)

    oh and if you read Ayat al-Kursi once, Allah (SWT) sends down one angel, if twiec then two angels, if thrice then Allah (SWT) tells the angels not to worry as He will protect you Himself =D

    i read that somewhere, i'm not sure if it's for going to sleep, but definitly in the daytime when you go out ;)

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