
How often do you go to the library?

by Guest45263  |  earlier

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How much time do you spend there?

How many items do you usually bring home?

I go weekly, like clockwork. The whole family goes -- Mom, Dad, and children. We spend about an hour there and we bring home 20 - 30 items each time.

Our time is spent in the Children's Library. We venture out only to pick up special items we've requested online or to get a grown-up DVD...We love the library and have been weekly visitors for the past 9 years!

How about you?




  1. We go at least once a week--mom and kids, on a school day. We spend usually about 30 minutes there. How much we bring home depends on how much we already have on our cards. ;) We have a limit. We are allowed up to 40 items on each card and usually have at least 30 items per card, so usually at least 90 items out at a time. They have a special place in the bookshelves just for them so they don't end up everywhere!

  2. We go to the library about once a week when there is snow on the ground, but come spring - when we have good warm days, I will go about 3 times a week. I take my little one to story time everyweek and my oldest finds some books during that time.

    My library is great because it is within walking distance from out home. We bring a wagon to carry the books home in. They have an online catolog so I can get the books i get over the computer and have them waiting for me when I get to the library...this is great when you have a two year old to chase around the library while you try to locate books (LOL)

  3. I go everyday and spend 3 to 6 hours there. But thats only because I work at a library, as a janitor and a library tech. The really big plus side to this is that I've unlimited borrowing periods and no maximum loans. Also I'm in charge of any incoming books so I often get firsts dibs. What do I take out? Of late its just usually DVD's, I've pretty much read everything of my interest, and we don't often get books of my interest. But I do have the option of interlibrary loaning several books that my library doesn't own and wouldn't purchase. On average I usually have at least 10 items out on my card.

  4. once a month

  5. We used to go 3-4 times per week in our former city.  However, we now live in a new town with only a tiny branch library and don't go as often. In fact,  it's such a small branch my daughter calls it a TWIG!

    I love libraries sooooo much I am going to grad school to get a degree so I can be a librarian!!!!

  6. i go every week sometimes more i get like 10 for myself

  7. Yes, I am a library fanatic.  

    I order my stuff online and pick up about once a week.  I usually have at home  the limit of 30 books, videos, cd's.    I keep many items extended times by renewing online.

    We are about 6 miles from local library but we live in a big county and can order material from all branches and pick up local.    

    They know me , my mother, and my son by name.  They have watched my son grow up.    It's a great place and made even better by internet access.

  8. Once a week Mom and the 5 youngest kids go to the library. We get about 60 to 90 items all together ( The 3 oldest of the 5 have there own cards). We get all sorts of things. Non fiction, fiction, and Mom usually lets us get one or two video's ( usually one for the younger kids, and another for the older) But we are pretty picky on movies and usually get old g rated ones.

    We spend about 1 to 2 hours depending on how much time we have.

    We have gone to the library every week for a while too. We spend most of our time in the children section unless we go out to get a book on hold, or the oldest needs to get a classic from the young adult section.

  9. I'm a resident university student, so I spend on average 2 hours in the library M-F. There, I usually study between classes or research.

  10. My family goes to the Library weekly; each Monday to get DVD's, books, magazines, and anything else to add to our homeschooling.

    We tend to be there for about an hour. I also found our library has the added benefit of being online, so I can browse for books at home, then go and pick them up.

  11. We live within walking distance from the library.  We usually go every day it is open.  We use the computer there.  That is where I am right now.  We do not have a home computer.

  12. I think they're going to start charging us rent there, lol!

    Our cards allow us to check out up to 50 books and 5 DVDs/Videos each (there are 3 cards), and I usually use one per unit that we're working on - so we could have anywhere from 60-150 items out at any given time.  We're allowed to keep books out for up to 6 weeks and videos/DVDs for up to 2-3 weeks, as long as no one else requests them.

    I love our library - they are so homeschool friendly!  They even have volunteer programs that allow kids to "adopt a shelf" to learn to take care of their library.  And our librarians rock!

  13. I go to the library about once every week or so.  I spend a long time some days, 5 minutes other days.  It all depends on what I need.  I bring home about ten books every time I  visit the library.

  14. Because of where we live, I don't actually get to go to the library that often. I think I've physically been to the library about twice in my whole life. It's just too far to go unless we had another reason for needing to go to the city anyway.

    However I do usually order anything up to 30 items a week from their online catalogue. Mum pays something like $100 a year for us to belong to the schools' library service which means we can borrow an almost unlimited number of items - something like 600 items at a time!

    The library then sends my order out to me via the mail 'plane. When I've finished with them, I just return them to the library the same way (on the mail 'plane).

    Some things I'll send back on the very next mail 'plane (2 weeks later) and some I keep longer; the very best books I'll maybe hang onto for a year or more if no-one else requests them!

  15. We started going to the public library when my oldest was born, thirteen years ago now. Before that I used the university library.

    We usually go twice a week, sometimes more if they have a good program going on...some craft or class or they have once a month Friday night movies or video games for teens.

    We usually stay one hour to two hours, but we have a GREAT kids department, with many toys, computers, and books. The librarians are awesome.

    We usually average four or five books a person, so abut forty. The kids usually bring home an audiobook each (since we're always driving to another activity) and a couple of movies.

    We do stay in the kids section most of the time, but I think it's important that they see how I choose books and such, and practice being very quiet, so at least twenty minutes is in the rest of the library, watching mom search the catalog and find what SHE wants.

  16. I spend at least two hours a day at the library, four on a good day. My house is about the worst design you can imagine for a homeschooling family with a hardcore nerd: four people in five rooms. There's nowhere at all to study in my house, so the library is my study space. I think it's actually better than studying in my house; no family distractions, no one to make me run emergency errands, and so on.

    Since there's only enough space in my (shared) room for me to have one bookshelf (as in, one horizontal piece of wood attached to the wall) I usually only take out one or two items at a time. But, since I'm a fast reader, I usually end up taking out at least 12 items a week.

    I wish they had better hours, library doesn't open until 11 AM and the school kids start trickling in around 2 on some days. They always go straight for the magazines and make sure that everyone knows what they think of some celebrity's haircut. I guess it's good that they're going to the library, but I'm very sensitive to sounds around me and I ended up writing, "Shaniqua Morris" instead of "Governeur Morris" in my history notes, because of what they were talking about. Made for an interesting review, because I didn't notice what was weird the first time I went over my notes. :P

    Overall though, the library's just a flat-out awesome place. It's -usually- pretty quiet, mine is well-maintained, and the staff is friendly.

  17. From the responce to your question, I gather that We are missing quite a lot over this end of the world as pertaining to matters of Library  Lucky you !

  18. We generally go two times a week and spend 30 minutes or so.  My son also goes for Math Olympiad and Contig practice.

    We typically have 50-60 books and 5 or so DVD's at one time.  Our library has free holds/transfers, so a lot of the time we do our searching online from home, place the items on hold, and then pick them up when they're ready.  My former library (different state) had a covered drive-up service window which was so nice when my youngest was an infant/toddler.

    One time a librarian who didn't know us, saw in our account that we had 67 books checked out.  She said, "how many children do you have?"  I said, "Two, but only one that these books are for."  :-)  She nearly passed out.

    I was actually approached by the head librarian of our former library to give input on how she should spend $3000 of grant money.  She knew the *wonderful* (non-twaddle) books we checked out, so she wanted to know what was missing.  I gave her my curriculum's K-8 book list and she beefed up their collection with those books.  Now *that's* knowing your library/librarian :-)

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