
How often do you have Chinese take out?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just curious, I'm not planning to open a Chinese take out place or anything...




  1. 2x a month

  2. i think my fam averages about 2 times/ month. its really hard to say. we haven't had it lately but there have been times we have it a couple times in one week!

  3. once every 2 of 3 months

  4. I have a 3 Chinese places within walking distance, so I get take out about 8 times a year.

  5. once a month

  6. never i hate chinesse yucky

  7. Not usually more than half a dozen times a year because it is too expensive for my favourite dishes.

    But if I want reasonably healthy takeout for the same price as a burger and fries, I'll just get fried rice.

    I think I'd get sick of it if I had it more than once a week.

  8. all the time thats the way to go in my case get it for my girlfried and i and watch a movie thats always good its a great idea if you were to open a chinese take out place

  9. We have cut back at my request.  I'd say we average about 1 time per month.  We live across the street from a really good take out place so it was getting a bit out of control.

  10. Depends but maybe once every two to three months.

  11. At Least once a week, sometimes twice but I am really tryin to cut back so I may refrain for the next two weeks.

  12. Last year 2 times. I just ordered it on the internet and got it delivered to my home.

  13. Like once a month there is not that many Chinese places except for Zuu's which is almost never open and Lamb's which is way too expensive.

  14. I get it when I'm really busy with schoolwork.  Sometimes, I order enough food for a week.  I guess about twice a month.

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