
How often do you hug and kiss your children?

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How many times a day? How many times do you tell them you love them? And for those with teen children, do you still give them hugs and kisses everyday?




  1. I hug all of my children everyday at least once  usually more for the younger ones.  I tell them all I love them ever day, too.  The teen boys don't relay want my kiss, although I do sneak one on their cheek every once in a while!  But the hugs are freely given at my house.

  2. multiple times a day

  3. Daily and often.  Even when they are teenagers I will tell them I love them and hug them daily.

  4. i tell my dog i love him about every 60 seconds.....

  5. All the time!

  6. Oh... who keeps track!

    A lot... every day...

    even when they are misbehaving...

    Usually after the kiss and hug, their mood improves. :o)

    Most everyone likes kisses and hugs... It is good for mental health.

    It is true : check this out...

  7. I never stop hugging and kissing her! And I tell her I love her about a million times.

  8. I have a 3 year old daughter and We hug about twenty times a day and I tell her I love her about the same, twenty times a day or so..and than my daughter looks at me and says `` emma love mommy `` and that just melts my heart.

  9. I'm fifteen and I never have and never will stop hugging and kissing my mom. Why should I have to? Am I, as a teen supposed to hate her and be too embarassed to be seen with her? Well then I guess I'm going against the rules because I love my mom, we have a fun time, she's a kick *** mother. In fact she's the best on this planet. She has my back, I have hers. I still give my mom a nice big hug and a little peck on the cheek.

  10. At 3 years old, I tell my son all the time how much I love him and how proud I am of him. And I give him hugs and kisses all the time. As a kid I recall my mom being the same-I even told her once as a teen when she told me she loved me while we were out running errands "I know that mom you tell me all the time ok". I felt bad after I said it-I had lots of freinds in HS who did dumb stuff to get the attention of their parents. I never did because I already knew how my paretn's felt. And when he is bad I do say that I do not like that behavior, I never say anything like mom doesn't like you or you are bad.

  11. Everytime my 8 and 9 year old son's walk in the room, I grab them and squeeze them and they laugh and run from me so it is a game to them but I am getting my hugs in.  I have a 15 year old son and when he walks in the room, I attempt to grab him also, he laughs and says in his deepened voice, "what's up mom" gives me a cool hand shake and then  he lets me hug him but it has to be done in a "cool" way and not in public. lol

  12. My son is a teenager but luckily for me, is still very cuddly and loves being kissed, also kisses me back always:) He was like that right from the start, but hasn't lost it once he entered puberty. I'm so grateful for this, as I myself was in my mother's lap, (with my face stuck to hers, while she rocked me and sang to me) until the day she died. I believe in this as the best medicine and telling/being told that we're loved is very important to me.

    I was once on a bus stop, kissing my son and hugging him, when an elderly woman who was standing nearby approached us and said 'Do it as much as you can while he's still with you, mine has left across the ocean and I feel I never had enough of him.'

    But I've also had numerous people, including some family members, who often objected to this behaviour when displayed and told me it's a sure way to spoil him. Personally, I don't think so, but I guess we still have to wait&see if there's any truth in it.

  13. OMG! Like a MILLION times a day! I am hugging and kissing my 2yr old right now as I am reading this! I hug and kiss them so much that they literally run from me!!!! I love it though and I know that they do too cause then if I ever stop kissing them so much then they come and start begging for hugs and kisses...they even come up to me out of the blue and kiss me when I am not expecting it....the other day I was laying on the couch and my daughter kissed my foot...and once when I was sleeping my son came up to me and kissed my is so sweet...I hope they are like this as teenagers!

  14. My 6 year old all the time she has been through a very traumatic time this year and needs my hugs and kisses more than ever.

    My 15 year old no chance mom its not cool to be kissed and hugged by you i have a reputation lol

  15. Too many times to count!

    And when he's a teen, I'm still gonna do it... Okay, maybe not in public so he doesn't get embarrassed, lol.

  16. My daughter is only 2 and a bit and i hug and kiss her all the time.  I tell her I love her about 50 times a day.

  17. I give my 3 1/2 yr. old boy kisses and hugs like a trillion times a day, lol, give or take a couple thousand, no seriously all the time!

  18. my son is 15mths old and my unborn son is 34wks. I tell them I love them all the time, can't keep track, I hold him with love and squeeze and kiss my son all the time. I can't wait for my next one to be born :)

  19. i'm 20. i wasn't hugged/kissed very often and i wish i would've been. now i'm kind of stand offish.. but i try to be physical with some of my friends hug-wise.. i think everyone needs hugs.. my parents are divorced and the only time i get hugs now is when i'm leaving my dad's house and we're saying goodbye. hugs shouldn't mean goodbye. they should mean i love you..

  20. my daughter is 3 & I tell her more times than I can count.  It's very important to me that she & my husband know how much they mean to me.

  21. when i have kids (im only 13 1/2) im probably gonna hug&kiss them A LOT

  22. o i dont know about 15-20 times an hour.....every time i change her, when i pick her up, when i walk by her, when i feed her, when i rock her to sleep.....when she is asleep i can usually be found rubbing her head too.....when she was a tiny infant i was teased about combing her hair out, as when i fed/rocked her i was always combing her hair......

  23. More times than they sometimes care to be hugged and kissed! And definitely several times a day I tell them I love them. They are 6 and 4 years old. I have gotten to promise that they will still let me hug and kiss them when they are grown up, but I guess that remains to be seen... :-)

  24. My baby is almost 10 months old, so I hug, kiss and tell him I love him a million times a day.

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