
How often do you need to check for a rat infestation?

by  |  earlier

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I clean my house quite often. The sink and cooker every couple of weeks regardless of if they need it or not. Clothing and bedding about every month or so, and clean the floors, windows and paintwork every year. Why do I keep getting these visitors. See Video




  1. lol what a cute pet rat  

  2. Leo:  The only to get rid of rat infestation is to eliminate there food supply.  Are you feeding your dog outside and leaving uneaten food sitting out.  

  3. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!... RUN my friend RUN!!!  Leave everything behind.  Find a new house or get a Large Cat!!! xox  

  4. This is probably a pet rat; I find it very hard to believe a wild rat would be so relaxed and camera-friendly.  Plus, most wild rats are brown.  I think you're pulling a prank, my friend!

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