
How often do you need to clean your parrotlet's cage?

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i mean the bottom, i usually use papers and i clean my canary cages and if you dont clean their cage for one day it becomes a mess and the bottom looks like stew with wet papers, seeds, water and f***s. Does a single parrotlet make as much mess? I will clean papers daily but i was wondering if it would be okay to clean the cage every 2nd or 3rd day without getting a bad smell and do the papers get really dirty? i know canaries basically eat drink and p**p so that explains why their papers are really dirty at the end of the day but p'lets mainly eat and play so i was wondering from personal experience how often do you change the papers and do they make a huge mess?


also any tips and/or pointers would be greatly appreciated and what are the best leaning solutions you can use to clean the cage. I heard not to use bleach does vinagear and warm water work well? is there another method?




  1. I have pet chickens and their dumps are probably as big as your entire bird.  I clean the box where they sleep when it starts to gross me out or if it looks like they might step in it and then wipe it all over my shirt when i pick them up and they start clawing at my shirt with their feet.

    Birds have no manners or sense of propriety, so when you clean their cage is more a human hang-up than anything.  They really don't care one way or the other, although I'd like to think my girls appreciate a nice clean bed.

  2. Twice a week is normal & almost enough.While more cleaning is very good.

  3. Every couple of years should be sufficient.

  4. I clean my p'let cages normally every other day. White vinegar alone or mixed with water is perfect. You can also use hydrogen peroxide if you feel the need to disinfect- which I don't unless I have a sick bird.

    Yes p'lets are messy- they can create alot of mess for such a tiny bird. They can sling seed across the room, and they love dunking their food in their water. They chew anything they can get ahold of. The good thing about their mess is they have tiny poops. P'lets luckily don't smell- so you shouldn't have a problem. Just make sure their water is always clean.

  5. change the paper daily and clean the cage completely every two to three days

  6. Ofcourse, evry day. Try and use a large cage if possible so that the bird has enough place to move around in case you are not able to clean it evry day.

  7. My mom has an African Grey and if you to the pet store they have special sprays for cleaning their cages.  I think their cages should have a big clean with everything wiped with the spray about once or twice a month.  Depends how messy they are...

  8. well, it really does depend on how much mess they make as for the basic paper changing. I've had many birds, and on average I'd say I changed their papers every 2 or 3 days, though I really just changed them as it was necessary (so every couple days on average).

    As for something you might do to make it easier with your canaries, I find it's easier to put quite a few papers on the bottom of the cage in the first place and then take out the top one or two (depending on the type of paper) each day. (i find if you pick them up from the edges and roll or fold, you can get them out the door rather than disassembling the cage every day). Hope this helps!

  9. I had a parrotlet, and i loved it! Cleaning the cage about once a week should be plenty. I just used dish soap and of course, water. Their messes aren't very big, and as far as pointers... they become attatched to one single person. Also, try not to fall asleep with it because my old neighbor fell asleep and rolled on top of it, which resulted in killing it. Other than that, just love it and care for it, and it will in return be loyal to you. As far as papers go, try using paper towel instead of newspaper. It doesn't look as gross, and won't soil so quickly. Good luck with your little birdy!!!

  10. every two days

  11. Try to clean it every other day.

  12. i clean mine every 2-3 days

  13. once a day

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