
How often do you pray? and do you really think prayer does any good?

by Guest66999  |  earlier

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How often do you pray? and do you really think prayer does any good?




  1. Periodically during the day.

    Today is a great day. Shouldn't I thank someone for it?

    I have a great life. Ditto.

    Life is good. Ditto.

    I feel better so that does me good.

    God love you!  

  2. I don't.

  3. I pray regularly, everyday throughout the day.  I pray about anything and everything.  And, yes, it does help.  It relieves my anxiety at times, calms my fears, comforts my soul, clears my confusion and makes me strong when I'm at my weakest. It also gives me a chance to say thank you for my life and the beauty and love in it.

  4. I pray formally five times a day, recite collections of supplications morning and evening, and praise, thank, and ask pardon of God many times a day.

    I KNOW that prayer does good.  Amazing things happen to people who pray.  

    Sometimes God allows a person to have a problem because He wants to hear his/her voice.    

  5. daily

    i know it does

  6. I usually pray everyday... or i try to. Prayer is talking to God and 1 of the most important things in a relationship is communication. for example, u can't possibly be a friend of someone and barely talk to them. so yes, prayer DOES do good.

  7. How often do I pray?  Not at all.

    Does it do any good?  Same concept as writing a letter to Santa...

  8. I pray daily.  Several times a day. I know God hears prayers of those who worship him properly.

    (Psalm 66:19) 19 Truly God has heard; He has paid attention to the voice of my prayer.

    (Matthew 6:9-15) 9 “YOU must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. 11 Give us today our bread for this day; 12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one.’ 14 “For if YOU forgive men their trespasses, YOUR heavenly Father will also forgive YOU; 15 whereas if YOU do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will YOUR Father forgive YOUR trespasses.

  9. I pray every day 24/7 (well probably not 24/7) but I pray for everything all day long - without ceasing.  And yes, I truly believe that is the only way I get things done successfully.  

  10. I thank God every time my motorcycle starts.

    I should probably just get a new air filter, though.

  11. I'm no longer a Christian, and I think the bible is pretty bogus, but I do think there's a positive effect from prayer.  I don't think it matters what religion you are, if any, because the thing that makes the difference is that you expect in your mind for something to happen.  It's a basic truth of the universe that when you believe that something is going to happen, it has quite a strong effect on whether it happens, above and beyond the usual aspects of cause and effect.

    It's the Law of Attraction, described in The Secret, a popular book and movie.    

  12. i pray daily. at random times of the day. yes, prayer does work.  

  13. Every morning, most meals, and nearly every night.  It does great for my frame of mind and my sense of balance.  

  14. I pray many times a day....and yes, prayers are good.

  15. i try to pray daily and i think it does wonders.

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