
How often do you run your dishwasher?

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How often do you run your dishwasher?




  1. Once every other day.

  2. With 3 kids,husband and myself I run it once a day but I also cook about 18 meals a week.

  3. Daily.  A dishwasher is the only household appliance that will deteriorate by not using it.  The hoses will dry out and may leak.

  4. I'm married and have 2 kids.  We generally run it every other day.  We wash pots and pans by hand, as well as some other larger kitchen items.

  5. twice a week.

    but my mom does that.

  6. though i have a dishwasher, i prefer to wash the dishes by hand

  7. I run my little dishwasher 7 days a week.  Her name is Britt!

  8. My family is big so every other day but if you have a small family probably twice a week

  9. Every day.

  10. every day

  11. I live alone and get buy with twice a week

  12. Twice a week.=)

  13. Everyday or 2 days..

  14. i did it twice today

  15. every time we finishing eating

  16. Once or twice a week.

  17. Once every other day, but it depends on how much I'm cooking.  I wait a few days if it's not full, but not more than 3 otherwise things get stuck on.

  18. Once every 2  weeks or so...

  19. Every other day. jeez we have a ton of kids in my family

  20. daily after dinner i don't want bugs or rats

  21. every single day...

    we need to wash them evryday or else we don't have ne plates for tomorrow.

  22. every other day. with a family of three.

  23. never, too much electricity, too much trouble, i just wash it by hand. It does even clean the dishes all the way , it just squirts it with water

  24. once or twice a day.

  25. ~~~Once every night.~~~

  26. never...i dont have one or its broken

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