
How often do you see the number 23?

by  |  earlier

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How many times a day do you see it? On how many different things, what those things are, etc? Make a list, and you'd probably be surprised at how long it is.




  1. I usually see 23 on sports jerseys, probobly because of Lebron James (he's 23)

  2. actually its the number 42. its everywhere. its the answer to life, from hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. seriously....42 shows up in EVERYTHING!!

    you can take almost any random number (the time, an address, anything) and somehow come up with 42. try it!

  3. that is freaky...

    i looked at the TV, and at that point it said

    "23 miles"

    how weird is that?!

    you've started a CRAZE man!

  4. not too often!

  5. my birthday is september 23.  i was born in 1985, 1+9+8+5=23.  

    its also 10:13 right now, so 10+13=23

    i saw that movie too; it was pretty cool.

  6. ok why did u waste 5 points just for a pointless question?

    I mean why do u honestly care abt da no. 23?

  7. Wow, you ask about it and it happens to be 2 minutes since you left your msg and 3 days left to answer (23).  wow.


    I saw it at 4:23 today! :|

    That  movie was F*cked up man!

  9. DUDE! lol right when i was reading this question i look to see wut time it is and it was 2:12   [2]:p1+2=3= 2:3 23...scary

  10. Every I look at a calendar. Every month has one. Weird.


  11. Thanks ill pay attention

    i myself  for several years  have   eleven-eleven

    or simply  11  

  12. Can I honestly ask why this question is under maths as it is completely unmathematical and stupid

  13. Never.  I think it was removed from the list of integers a few years ago.

  14. Never...

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