
How often do you see your baby via ultrasound?

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I Went for my 17 Week "ultrasound" and exam today but there was no ultrasound. I got a little upset because I had my husband take the morning off so that he could see the baby for the first time.

My Doctor listened to the baby's heart (for the first time during my pregnancy), squeezed my tummy and sent me on my way. When I asked for an ultrasound I was told to come back in 2 weeks. Why couldn't we just do it all in one shot? What the heck? The last time I saw the baby was at 12 weeks. Is this normal?




  1. Do you go to another office to do your ultrasounds, or does your doctor have an ultrasound machine in his office?  If you go to another office, they may not have had an opening.  If your doctor has an ultrasound machine in his office then it may not have been ready to use or he didn't have enough time.  The ultrasound you recieve next takes awhile.  They measure EVERYTHING on baby so it takes time.  Your doctor will always let you know when you will get an ultrasound in the future (unless of course there is an emergency need for one.)  With my first I got over 20 ultrasounds because I was high risk.  I got one 9 weeks, 11 weeks, 17 weeks, then one every month after that, then from 32 weeks to delivery I got one twice a week.  I was high risk and had to constantly be monitored.  This second one, I have gotten two.  10 weeks and then 12 weeks.  Another scheduled at 19 weeks.  Some women only get one ultrasound throughout their whole pregnancy.  It's up to your insurance how many you get.  

  2. Yup its normal. Most people only get 2 MAYBE 3 ultrasounds the whole pregnancy. However, its not normal if they SCHEDULED you for an ultrasound and then didn't give you one. Usually they  are seperate from your doc. apt. Did you schedule an ultrasound? Or just think they were giving you one? When you go back in 2 weeks, you will for sure get one. They will be able to tell you the s*x then!! Yeay!! Congrats!

  3. Yes it's normal. Were you promised an ultrasound at 17 weeks? Or did you just assume you'd get one? Most insurance companies only cover 1-2 ultrasounds. If it's only 1 then it's one around 20 weeks to check the gender and growth of your baby. If it's two then it's 1 at 20 weeks and a dating scan which is done around 12 weeks.

  4. i only get at 12 and 20 week...consider yourself lucky to have more...the  only way to have more is if I'm high risk and I'm not...

  5. If they didnt schedule it and tell you then I wouldnt be upset. Its good to wait until atleast 18-20 weeks and get a better one anyhow,and a better view of the s*x too! I got mine at 18 weeks and it was with a specialist because of problems,I had one at 9 weeks and one at 18. I may have one more to check the babys organs again.

  6. You should not expect to have an ultrasound at every visit.  Ultrasound is a medical tool, used to locate specific problems.

    Some doctors do no routine ultrasounds at all. (They aren't necessary, and don't improve outcomes.)

    Most doctors will do one (usually around 20 weeks)  ... maybe two, unless there is a specific indication for more.  

    If you want to have more scans for your own pleasure, look around for a commercial ultrasound studio where you can pay out of pocket for 'baby pictures.'  Otherwise, be glad you are having a normal pregnancy, and be glad that your doctor isn't doing a lot of unnessary and costly tests that run up everyone's insurance premiums.  

  7. There is no medical "need" for ultrasounds. The one they do around 20 weeks is to check the development of the baby and confirm gestational age, but if you didn't ever have an ultrasound you would be fine.

    Did they tell you that you were getting an ultrasound done today? I would complain about being lied to, but... you are getting one in 2 weeks. You and baby will be fine.

    It is very doubtful you will see the baby on ultrasound again (after the 19 week one) unless you have a high risk pregnancy. You can pay to go to a "fun" ultrasound place and get a 3D one done for fun if you want to see your baby more.

  8. medi-cal only covered one for me.  They couldnt even see if I was going to have a boy or a girl, so I was left guessing.

  9. I had mine at 24 weeks but I was the one who asked for it. The doctor didn't think I needed to have an ultrasound because so far there haven't been any problems in my pregnancy, but my partner was just so eager to see the baby and know its gender, so we had decided to just have it.

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