
How often do you smile?

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How often do you smile?




  1. 24/7

  2. All the time. I'm usually laughing too. Its just such a light feeling. I love it =)

  3. I try to smile alot. I have lupus and dont feel so well sometimes, but for my kids sake, I try to smile often.

  4. everyday  

  5. everyday =)

  6. Every day.

  7. All the time! :)

  8. each time I saw someone I know

  9. I'm always smiling & enjoying life!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))))))))

  10. like every 5 minutes

  11. about 2 times a week

    im very depressed

  12. When something is funny. Or I'm doing something funny. And that is often.

  13. Always. I'm an optimist

  14. Most often.

  15. All the time.

  16. Normally when im making a youtube video, and when i take pixx of my self, and when i get smiled at, or when i laugh. so about 1 hour of 24 a day xD maybe 2

  17. i smile everyday.there is no need to be a stone cold face and miserable,the rewards are great.

  18. i dont count how many times i smile each day.

    but i guess each day is different for me.

    i try to smile a couple of times a day though.

  19. Once a week

  20. almost everyday =)

  21. When im good mood

  22. everyday

  23. most of the times

    but i cry more then i smile LOL


  24. all the time. Makes other wonder what's going on in your head.

  25. Often. Even if things are tough I try to keep an optimistic vibe =]

  26. every minute of the day cause it takes more muscles to frown then to smile. that's my mado and it should be everyone too

  27. All the time. Can't help it.

  28. I smile even when i feel broken inside.

  29. More often than not.

  30. Everyday, whenever I think of my girlfriend  

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