
How often do you take your baby out?

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its incredible but olivia is only 12wks and seems happier if we get out at least once a day...whether its just a walk around the block or strolling around the mall for a couple of hours..shes soo good when were out too!




  1. my olivia is the same way, she loves going for a walk in her stroller or in the sling. I try to do it once a day, some days im just too lazy though

  2. I started taking my baby out since she was 3 days old. She's never been sick, she 4 months now and loves getting out of the house.

  3. Well, my baby is 7 months and we're out several times a day. I've pretty much had this routine since she was 4 months -- in the morning we go out to get starbucks (necessary!), two hours later we go to the gym (she plays in the on-site child care center), in the afternoon we run errands. sometimes in the early evening (when it's cooler) i take her on a walk or we lounge in the backyard. when she was 3 months old there were many (many) days when i didn't get out at all. don't sweat it!!!  

  4. That's very normal...they need the fresh air. I was always told to take my baby out every day for a walk.

  5. Practically everyday since day 1.

  6. my baby is 6months old now and from day one he loved going out side we go shopping every morning even if i don't need anything it the air out side what they like  

  7. My daughter is 9 months and we go out usually every day, but sometimes every other day.  If we don't go out anywhere, we at least go outside and play for a while.  She LOVES going places and is always so good, too!

  8. Perhaps she wants everyone to see how beautiful she is.

    If that is her in the picture, then i do not blame her. I imagine you are a very proud mum. I can not wait until i have a kid of my own.

  9. I can't get him out too often.  He has major sleep issues during the day and it totally disrupts him.  But for my own sanity I need to get out at least a few mornings a week.  We'll go for a walk or to the mall.  Then I have a huge job when I come home to get him to sleep a little.  My son is 15 wks and he is great when we are out too.  But he's so stimulated by everything he can't dose off in his stroller anymore so he's a little terror when we get home.  

  10. We usually go out a few times a week.  More on the weekend than during the week.  She loves it when we do go out though.

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