
How often do you vaccum your home??

by  |  earlier

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My husbands expects me to vaccum everyday.. But we have no visitors, children, pets.. I say it's better every two days... He really makes me over do the cleaning!!




  1. For the life of your carpet, vaccum once a week for each person living in the home.  If there are only 2 people, twice a week is best for the life of the carpet.

    You can always do a quick vaccum if you have guests coming and you see a little dust or something.

  2. That's exactly how my stepdad is....he wants it vaccumed everyday, and like yall we don't have very much visitors besides my grandma every now and then

    I agree, every 2 or 3 days is good enough

  3. Is he home all the time with you?  While he is gone, tell him you did it already, even if you didnt . He wont know.

  4. twice every week....but when i do it....i do the whole takes me around about an hour..

    ride on x x x


  5. I vacuum every day but I have a cat that sheds like its going out of style. Before I had the cat it was like once a week. It was only the 2 of us and there isn't really any traffic through the house.

  6. I vacuum twice a week, on Monday & Friday...

  7. if you dont have visitors, than bi-weekly is more than enough. i agree with yournotalone-----> tell him you ve done it while he was away.

  8. Once or twice a week here just depending. Now some rooms are more often like our bedroom because our puppies like to play in there so they will take their toys or paper they sneak from my desk or the trash can and shred it up which calls for another vacuuming.

  9. Spouse expectations need to be discussed. Your expectations have to be taken into consideration and discussed as well.

    Come to a compromise. Find something he omits or does that irritates you or that needs attention (he can't be perfect, in spite of the fact I suspect he thinks he is) and trade expectations.

    I would find it very uncomfortable if someone MADE me do something. It would mean I had to do it against my will, even if it went against my own expectations, made me tired, or uncomfortable.

    Try to find a compromise that you can be comfortable with, so that neither of you feels you are MADE to do anything.

    Hope this helps.

  10. well it would be nice if i did do it everyday but i don't like every few days i do too. the good thing about doing it everyday is that there is less dust build up so if someone has allergies its kinda necessary but like if it makes him happy that's not really much to ask. you know its good for your relationship to give cause in return you get more of what you like too you know.

  11. Crikey does your husband have an allergy? If not it doesn't need to be so frequent . mine only gets done every two weeks and I do have a dog and grand kids. It would look better done once a week

    Doing it too often is a waste of energy - yours and the planets energy. Tell your other half you are being environmental and if he still expects things spick and span get a little push around carpet cleaner that works without the electricity

    PS Ask him if he would like to take over the housework and if he says not  - tell him the housework is your domain and the frequency of vacuuming is your decision

  12. The rule of the thumb is, the number of people living in your home. If it's only u and your hubby, then twice a week is sufficient. The more traffic you have on your rugs, the more you will need to keep them up.  By the way, do you work outside the home? If you do, then taking turns vacuuming would be an answer, while the other partner, cleans something else.  Good Luck.

  13. not often enough. i have dust elephants and sometimes tumbleweeds

  14. If he wants the carpets vacuumed everyday, then he should do it.

  15. I worked for  carpet cleaning  industry for years , they suggested once a week for the number of pets and people in the home. like 2 people 1 dog  three times a week. but there are also a lot of variables ,like rural areas and large hairy dog/cat / allergies, it was just a guideline

  16. I think every day can be a little excessive. I am mainly concerned with vacuuming before a large party or when friends come over.

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