
How often do you walk barefoot on a road or street?

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How often do you walk barefoot on a road or street?




  1. now that im older always wear shoes but when i was younger never wore them unless i was going in a store and then that was just sometimes

  2. some days its a daily thing.  if i'm outside barefoot i walk onto the street to visit a friend or something or even walk down the block sometimes without shoes

  3. none


  5. alot. im a hill punkin :D

  6. Never do.

  7. Never. Not a good idea.

  8. never..

  9. I perfer to be barefoot then

    wearing shoes. Its just what I like.

    I like to feel the sand or mud in my


  10. Zero.  Can get infected from cuts.

  11. Never.

    I only go barefoot in my house.

  12. Rarely, I tend to cut up my feet

  13. Like 3 or 4 times a week in my neighborhood with like friends and such. Lol, why?

  14. Most weekends, except when it is cold

  15. all the time in the summer I walk around the block barefoot and there are no sidewalks here

  16. I walk bare foot in my yard..and at parks and stuff...not on the road though. LOL

  17. Never, even in the house.  My physical therapist recommended I avoid it after a running injury several years ago.  Never liked it anyway.  Life is sweeter in my Dansko clogs.

  18. Does the driveway and parking lot to my apartment count?

    (yesterday it was like 106 degrees where I live and the parking lot was HOT as h**l -- yeah I walked on it barefoot anyway - the heat isn't going to make me put on shoes!)

    If the above does not count, then I probably walk on a street barefoot maybe once a week or so. Sidewalks every day. Parking lots every day.

  19. in my neighboorhood all the time exspecially when i just got out of the pool :)

  20. Not too often...

  21. Not too often..never, better..

  22. Every single day, have for eleven years, plan to do so for the rest of my life. Going barefoot is much more comfortable and healthy; quite opposite from what many people believe it is NOT dangerous, unhealthy or gross. When you're a regular barefooter, your feet get very tough very quickly -in all those years I get a tiny splinter maybe once a year and I've NEVER had a cut. Our skin is made to keep pathogens out, and feet are fully washable.

  23. I do when I'm running around at parties or am alloud to take them off in gym.

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