
How often do you wash your car?

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I wash my car only when its incredibly dirty in the winter, but I try to vaccum every other week.

I planned on washing it evey weekend but haven't stayed with my commitments.

However, when I go on car trips I always wash the car the next day (i drive at night coming home and have so many bugs on my bumper)

what is your routine for washing your car?




  1. I don't have a car, I have a truck with custom wheels and tires,a few little extras. I'm fanatical about my truck. It's probably as clean as my kitchen. engine under carriage, inteior,etc. I think I'm obcessed. I'm even crazier about my Harley, one speck of dust and i'm freaked out. I wish I could channel some of this to other parts of my life.

  2. every 2 or 3 weeks. gotta keep the rainX fresh.

  3. when the urge hits you.

  4. Down where I live, we don't wash our cars. Since they get muddy from out muddin' trips every weekend, It don't do 'ne good.


    Nah, I'm just kidding.... Once a month or so.

  5. spring..

    it washes itself in winter

  6. About once a week. It's my baby, gotta keep her clean!

  7. about once a month anymore, when I was younger I used to wash my car every 2 days.

  8. once a week if the weather permits..............

  9. sports car every two weeks and other car whenever convenient

  10. Well...... I try and wash it every three or four days. I just drive through the Touch Free car washes, so it doesn't scratch my car. I hand wash it usually every two weeks. I vacuum the inside every week. I like to week it very clean.

  11. The young lad next door washes mine every Sunday, only costs me a couple of quid.

    When he's tall enough to wash the roof I'll give him a few more quid :oD

  12. every fortnite but that is because where i live is really clean

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