
How often do you wash your carseat?

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I used to do it religiously, but lately I've been slacking. I'm just curious to how often all of you wash yours???




  1. Well my childs carseat is designed to be wiped down, so I use Lysol wipes every two trips in the car. Every month or two I'll get the soap bucket out.

  2. Didn't all that washing damage the fabric???  I washed mine twice before my son grew into the next size-- once for vomit and once for spilled formula (my bad).  The next one I never washed, and had it for about 18 months (till my son was 2 1/2).  And he's 3 1/2 now, and i haven't washed this one either.  I vacuum out the crumbs, spot- clean the ickies off, and leave it at that...

  3. Once baby is old enough to eat snacks I would guess it would at least need to be washed once a month. Older kids would probably need a weekly washing. With an infant who just sits there, I really can't see a need to wash it.

  4. Only when it gets puked on or something else disgusting...its a pain to take it off and put it back on...especially if you have more than one child, finding the time to do that is hard!

  5. My son is 3 months old and today was the first time I have washed it. He hasn't spit up on it and he hasn't leaked his diaper on it. It hasn't been messy so I didn't think I needed to. With all the rest of the laundry he generates I don't have time to take apart and wash a car seat.

  6. Almost every time it gets thrown up on.

  7. If my son vomitted or had bowel movements that got directly on the seat I always did.  For regular washings maybe once every one or two months.  Once they get over a year old the bodily fluids seem to lighten up a bit.

  8. every couple of months or when something gets spilled on it.  I have two girls ages 2 and 3 so they get messy fast.  The carseats they have are so great.  They are hooked on like in 6 places so its easy on and off

  9. Not nearly often enough.  Only if there's something smelly or gross on it.  (After four kids, my standards have lowered considerably LOL)

  10. never did it. why? Do you pee or p**p n your car?

  11. You would wash your carseat everytime its dirty.

    Don't wash it too much though.

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