
How often do you wash your sheets and bath towels?

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Just wondering what the norm is? If you think about it your bath towels never get dirty per se since you're always useing them when you're clean. I think I only do mine once a month- maybe 2X. What about sheets? How often is normal?




  1. i wash my bed clothes every week. and i wash my towels when i get done dryin off. when i get out of the shower.but my washer is also in my bathroom its just conveiant. but its normal to use them a week or so. you dont want to hang a wet towel for to long. it will get that wet mildew smell to them.

  2. I wash the whole set bedding every week.  I wash it on a hot wash to get rid of body grease and kill dust mites.  Towels at least once a week and obviously more often if they are dirty/marked.  Again wash on a hot wash.

  3. At least wash towels once a week. Unless you see any visible signs of dirt, eg from when he wiped his hands after fixing the car.  No one wants to see dirty towels hanging around, and if they are your guests they will opt to dry their hands on their own clothes instead of using a filthy towel.

    As for sheets and all bedding, wash at least once a week, unless you never wash your hair and the pillow cases have big oily head stains on them or if you sleep nude you need to wash the sheets as often as you change your underwear (which should be at least once a day). Or you may wish to consider any other activities you've been getting up to in the bed and their outcomes (so to speak).

  4. When I purchase new linens, towels, wash cloths, I wash them prior to using them. This removes sizing, dust, etc., used or accumulated during the manufacturing proces.

    I wash towels and sheets every week, as presperation and body oils do tend to build up on both, dust mites also are a problem in bedding.  We use a wash cloth only once, then it goes into the hamper.

    I use pillow and mattress protectors, which get washed once a month.  

    Pillows and poly filled comforters get washed every three months (unless they get dirty and need to be washed sooner) and are dried in the drier at a med. setting to ensure that they dry thoroughly.  

    Our mattresses are vacuumed every week.

    By the way, I do all my laundry in cold water and hang outdoors to dry unless the dryer is really needed or when the weather is inclement.

  5. I wash my bedding at least once a week if not more. I only use towels once then they get hung up to dry, then into the hamper they go.

  6. towels and bed linen I change about once a week.

  7. i wash my towels weekly, but bedsheets monthly. Towels gotta be washed weekly, or at max bi-weekly. they do get dirty, especially those that we use daily for drying hands and face. these remain moist most of the time. drying yourself also causes dead skiln cells to come off and stay in the towel. Dead skin cells and moisture cause "unwanted growth" especially if your bathroom is hot and humid most of the time. Also if towels are hung close to the toiled bowl, everytime you flush, tiny (and contaminated) water particles fly all over the place and some settle in your towels. So weekly washing is a good idea.

    For bedsheets it depends. if you are a newly-weded couple and are in "can't keep their hands off each other" phase, then bedsheets should be done weekly. if  the owner of the bedsheets is a 30 year old  workaholic virgin, then monthly, or even bi-monthly is ok.

    hope this helps ;-)

  8. I would say that once a month is to long in between washes, as i do mine every week, i have even done my towels after use, as i find that it keeps then fresher that way, i do understand what you are saying about towels looking like they never get dirty but they do, that is why i will wash them either straight after use, or within a couple of days after use.

  9. i all ways wash mine after i use them the first time. and wash my bed clothes every week.

  10. I prefer to wash my sheets every week, and my towels after I use them once.  However, most other people I know only wash their sheets once a month and use their towels a few times.

    It's probably better to not to wash your towels and sheets too frequently, they'll last longer.

  11. Well I use 3 towels...over the week n wash all of them at weekends, one bedsheet....wash at weekends

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