
How often do you zone out during a conversation...?

by  |  earlier

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and tehn wehn you znoe out eevrthying tehy say seems a lttile cnofsusing...and you sit trhee wnodrieng what they are on about?





  1. lol ur question reminds me of the test where they show that if you keep the first and last letters of a word intact & jumble up d middle letters you can still read fine because your mind asscoiates the general picture with the word from memory..

    so you can udnrstaed me fnie eevn if i do tihs :D


    neways to get back to the question yes i zone out all the time specially when the other side likes to have long monologues & over the phone when they can't see me looking distracted or doing something else its hecka akward then when they ask a question at the end & you have no idea what they said haha i remember giving an absentminded 'uhuh' to something i should have said no to & got into a lot of s**t #_#

  2.  every conversation I have, and I have no idea why. It's caused me really bad relationship problems. I never mean to be rude, but my brain just won't stay still.

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