
How often/far should i run daily?

by  |  earlier

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ive just started running because im not doing any sports right now, so i want to stay healthy and in shape.

normally, when im doing sports and stuff i have about 15 hours of physical activity a week. how far should i be running and how often should i run daily or weekly?




  1. Its not about "how far" you run but for how long. Run for 45 minutes or longer. you can run everyday if you want. I would say around 4 times a weeks or more. Its all your choice.

    Good Luck1

  2. don't push yourself too much, this is a mistake most beginner runners do. especially when you start running, it'll hurt a lot afterwards if you push yourself all of a sudden. start out easier, then get more advanced, if you wish to do so.

    run as far as you feel comfortable, knowing you need energy to get back again. don't wander too far and find yourself breathless and tired. try not to run in the hottest hours of the day (youll get sweatier and hotter, more likely to get sunburn and heat stroke. tired faster, etc) (11 - 4 [hottest hours])

    runnimng daily is a big commitment and will probably tire you, and turn you off of it fast. Try once a week for now, and once you get in the habit of it, run twice a week. Continue this pattern until you feel you are running the right amount.

    you can try to set a goal for yourself like 5 km, or even 10 km if your up for it.

    also, remember to either bring a few dollars with you or carry a waterbottle (which can get somewhat irritable) for a drink when you get tired or thirsty. you'll like to have a few extra dollars with you anyways, whether or not you bring a waterbottle.

    If you are wanting 15 hours of excersize a week, and are only running, we can't calculate how far you should run because we don't know how fast you run. it all depends how long it takes you to run a mile at a steady pace you can keep up with. you can figure this out and at least get an estimate for how long it will take, how far, etc after the first few runs.

    That's all I can think of for now. I hope you enjoy this new hobby and good luck!

    P.S. I'm glad you are keeping active. most people dont take the inititive. :-) good luck again!

  3. for keeping real healthy i jog for 30minutes 3 times weekly and do some stretching on the side. keep a healthy diet on plant food---veg and fruits. sleep for 6-7 hours and control my stress level in my job buy having some meditation if time permits.

  4. Run as far as you can.

  5. It depends on your heart rate. depending on age and weight, you have a heart rate range. You have to run depending on your heart rate so you don´t over exercise yourself. to find your target heart range subtract your age from 220. this number gets your max heart rate

    example: a 30 year old man is 115-160 beats per min. In order to exercise properly he has to get his heart rate up to a minimum of 115 or a maximum of 160.

    Calculate your target heart range and run as much as u can without getting over your max heart rate and you get agreat workout

  6. two miles  five days a week.....vary your locations,hills,flat surfaces.etc.......

  7. Start easy with a mile if possible, then steadily increase your mileage each day. Take at least one day off a week and just listen to what your body's telling you. Stay hydrated in the summer too

  8. the most important thing is to make sure you turn back on your run before u start to get tired because you dont want to wait untill ur super tired to turn around.  u should start at around 30 min a day.  run for about 15 min one way and then turn back ;)

  9. 30minutes/day is okay too :)

    BUT over doing them might heart u

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