
How often have people answering your question completely missed the point by not reading the link?

by  |  earlier

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You know... they read the headline and dive in giving an answer that is far from what you wanted. because they skipped the link. Has it happened to you? LOL




  1. try missing the second part of the question not a mind your links, best with out informed answers from those hovering vulchers who just go straight for the kill

  2. Yes, someone did that today after answering one of my questions and promptly earned herself 14 thumbs down.

    I must admit, I've done it a few times too ...feel a right twit afterwards.

  3. yeah i sometimes do that, annoying i know.............i hastily delete my answer before anyone see's "hopefully" :)

  4. Yep......I have to admit I am guilty of that. it has only been on one or two occasions. But that said people have done it to me. Sometimes the responses are quite funny since the point has been completely missed.

  5. Yes - I posted a question that had the heading "what came first the chicken or the egg" my actual question was - "how many times have you seen the question "what came first the chicken or the egg" on here today?

    I got 20 answers - 19 of which said chicken or egg!

  6. Yes, recently I asked a question about a game I was looking for.  I described the game and I wanted to know what it was called because I hadn't played in years and I wanted to buy it again.  But the title of the question was "Looking for a dragon game?"  and only one guy answered and he recommended an online dragon game.  Had nothing to do with the question I asked which was really annoying.

    By the way--I think you should go with red;-) lol

  7. This is partly down to the questioner too, asking a question and sticking a link up without elaborating. If you post a link you should at the very least also post a synopsis of what point you're trying to make.

    Laziness on your part is going to lead to the same approach from others.

  8. Never mind the link most of the people only read the headliner to my questions and give me advice which i have already said i have tried ,if they had read the whole question they would have seen this

  9. Yep it has

  10. I specialize in not reading the link and answering anyway - it saves SOOO much time.   Try summarizing your point - links are for further details or to support what you're saying.  I only open links to pictures to see what people look like  :o)

  11. Sometimes I go to the link, but depending on the URL, if it's not recognizable, I might not. I have heard of more than one occasion where someone posted a link with a virus in it. I'm not saying it is on purpose, but still who needs to take those kinds of chances.

  12. I think yellow is a great colour for it, you must ignore comments by others.

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