
How often if at all do you drink alcohol?

by  |  earlier

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My answer is zip, zilch and never. I can count the number times I've sipped it on one hand and want nothing to do with it ever again.

So do you drink it:

Rarely (meaning New Years, maybe)

Minimally (meaning you can count your YEARLY drinks on 10 fingers)

Socially (never alone)

Weekends (hey for you its something social when your off work)

One or two daily (I hope you folks drink at home)!

Everyday one or two and drunk as a skunk on the weekends

or hopefully none of you fit this last one but its

WTF is sober?

By the way just because I choose not to drink doesn't mean I am judging you if you do. Okay I am just curious. I just hope you drinkers can stay at home or find a driver.




  1. One or two daily

  2. socially

    and sober means not being drunk anymore  

  3. Never

  4. In between socially and weekends!  Not every weekend and only one or two drinks.

  5. My hubby and I drink everyday!!  

  6. i drink every second of the day

  7. minimally.  maybe once or twice a year.  i dont like most drinks, just fruity girly things, which are expensive when you go out!  and a pain in the butt to make at home...

    just thought of an example:  about 2 weeks ago we went to a concert.  all i had were long island iced teas, small mind you.  $9 each!!!  wtf?!?  and they are just a pain in the butt to make at home since sooooo much goes into each.  

    man i wish i liked beer

  8. probably 6 times per year.

  9. I have a couple of drinks every other day.

  10. on weekends

  11. One 24oz beer most evenings

  12. Maybe once in two years.  

  13. It all depends. I'm mostly a social drinker. If I have a drink it will usually take me an hour to finish the drink. If I'm at a cook out or something I might have 2 or 3 drinks over the course of the whole day. Out to dinner with my parents I'll have a drink with dinner. Once in a blue moon I'll have a drink at home, but there would actually have to be something in the house to drink. That doesn't happen too often. And, I have never driven drunk. When I was younger, over at a friends house, there would be a bunch of us drinking, and we would get pretty drunk sometimes. But, we had all planned on staying there that night anyway. Even that was maybe every few weeks, not all the time.

  14. I drink about 3-4 vodka tonics every night.  Not if I have to drive.  If I go out to eat I will have only 1 or 2 before dinner.  

  15. I rarely drink alcohol.  If ever, it is at a company Christmas party or a very special occasion at which time I might have a glass of wine.  I have not had a drink at all in almost 2 years and it was rarely before that.

  16. There was a time when I fell under the WTF is sober category.  When I went to battle my drug addiction though...alcohol went with the other substance.  I quit everything (except cigarettes...still can't kick that one.)

    While I don't feel that alcohol is my main weakness, I still have an addictive personality so at this point in my life I NEVER drink.  I don't miss the vile stuff either.

  17. i drink most weekends.. but that was during the summer.. i have to pay attention to my studies now so i will have to cut back. i drink with friends... its part of my culture...

  18. every other day or so, socially and alone. I only have 1 or 2 and every now and again go over the edge; BUT, I do not drive.

  19. Never. Tastes awful.

    And why would you drink it on a night out,

    to have fun and then not remember it in the morning?

    And the hangovers. WTF?

  20. a few beers once or twice a month in my house

  21. Socially.  My friends and I always plan on drinking when we get together, but a lot of the time we're too busy talking or having fun to actually stop and bring out the booze, lol.

  22. every night.  It helps me relax before bed a.d after work.  Some days more then others.  I have not been drunk in over a yr, donn't like to take it that far.

  23. I am erratic, after my last binge I didnt drink since aug 4. but sometimes i do like to get drunk - as it's nearly a month now, I might get drunk tonight as a treat!!!

  24. typicall college student here party every weekend and hang out on weekdays sometimes and drink over summer i drank like a fish but obviously we all cut back during school again but i never had a hangover  

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