
How often is it that a freshman will have classes with uperclassmen?

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High School




  1. It's less common in your core classes (English, math, science, social studies) because those are typically grade-level-specific. But in other classes and electives you are likely to have a mix of 9th-12th graders since they aren't grade specific. For example: If you take shop class, it's not likely they will have 9th grade shop, 10th grade shop, and so on (because not everyone chooses shop, so the class sizes wouldn't be big enough). You'd end up in there with kids of all different grade levels.  

  2. You'll definitely be with your peers for English and Social Studies. There might be one or two upperclassmen in those classes if they failed it before and need to make it up to graduate. You might also get some upperclassmen in PE and definitely will in Elective courses. If you're a bit advanced in some classes, most of the kids in your classes will probably be upperclassmen.  

  3. High school or college?

    High school-not so common

    College-a bit more likely

  4. In high school it will depend on the level of classes that you are taking.  If you are taking advanced math classes you might have some classes with upperclassman, same with college prep courses.  Also some of the electives you might have with upperclassman, such as art, band, gym, etc.  It's not so bad though.  

    In college, you will have a variety of levels in your classes.  Some might be adults.  If you are taking the freshmen level courses, the class will primarily be freshmen, but there might be a few upperclassman who take the course to fulfill a gen. ed. requirement they might have forgotten about.  In college there isn't a big difference between underclassman and upperclassman.  Everyone is treated like an adult at that point.  

  5. I would say in math if your taking a higher level, or in encore classes like art, orchestra, band, etc.

    Also, if there are new upperclassmen, they might have to be in lower classes to get credits.

  6. In College?? Very LikelY! There is no "order" in which you have to take your classes! There are Many classes like English, History, Government, etc... and you can take them freshman, sophmore year, whatever! I had plently of older students in my college classes... just depends on when you decide to take that particular class!

  7. rarely. unless you're really smart taking a higher level math or you transfered from another school and already took a class. there may be a couple upperclassmen in your history or science or language classes but only a few. they wont just jam a freshmen in a senior class randomly. good luck! high school's great.

  8. Not often. Schools, even in math classes, do not lump precocious freshmen with average or below-average upperclassmen. [A freshman taking precalculus is a completely different story than a junior or senior taking the same class.] It's simply not homogenous.

    Gym classes try to keep the age span small, so that competitive play is possible. (Freshman v. seniors basketball game? No.) Sometimes advanced music classes will have freshmen with upperclassmen, since the requisite isn't age, but rather, ability to play an instrument.

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