
How often is normal to do it with your spouse? ?

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Say you have been together for 3 years. What should you have tried by now?




  1. People are under a misapprehension if they believe that there is in fact a 'normal' out there when it comes to relationships. Do it as much as the two of you like. If one s*x drive is higher than the other, compromise. And the same thing for trying new things. Normal is what feels comfortable and right for both of you. Have fun =)

  2. Relationships are built on trust and respect...yes there is chemistry but even that can not sustain a relationship.....Therefore my answer to your question is that based on your respect for her and how much you trust her and visa versa her-you then allow it so that you do not offend her conscience in anything and visa versa and you will find whats "normal" for you two in your marriage. If you have faith in God you may also consider that all things in moderation is a healthy choice to live by.

  3. ive only been married 1 year and we have s*x almost every day. we have been together for 3 years and when we were dating we had s*x almost every day.  keep it going is a 2 player game. both parties have to be willing to keep the flame alive.

  4. There is no such thing as normal in any situation. What is good for the two of you is what you should consider normal in your relationship. That being said, I don't know of a lot of people who are in relationships who actually agree on what they want as far as how many times a week. In my situation, I would love 2-3 times a week, but my husband only wants maybe once a month. In one of my best friend's, she and her husband are the opposite of my husband and I. Good luck!

  5. Several studies say 2-3 times a week is the average.

    I prefer 6-7 times a week.

    After three years you should be comfortable enough with one another to try anything you both find appealing.

    Communication is the key.

  6. I'd say at least twice a week would be a good normal range barring exhaustion from having babies or small kids to contend with, your job not involving excessive physical or mental stress and neither one of you having any physical ailments that would affect relations.  I've been married for 6 years and my husband is rather "shy and embarrassed" about trying new things so we're probably not as "freaky" as other couples out there may be.  We stick to the tried and true and maybe on an anniversary or a weekend with just the two of us we might experiment.  It took my Mr. two years to be comfortable with giving oral, but it was worth the wait!!! He's a lot younger than me so I'm patient with him.  There's plenty I'd like to try with him still, but all in good time, when he's ready.  Meanwhile, I slowly introduce "ideas" by way of p**n, books, and conversations and let him get used to things and consider them before doing.   If you want something new, introduce it mentally before actually trying it out.  It could be that your partner has some "hangups" that need to be addressed in order to get comfortable with "gettin' freaky."

  7. together 13 years we have some kind of s*x at least 5 times a week. Often quick or oral but, we still have a very active s*x life 3 children in the house. Far as what we have tried we tend to stick to the usual to spice things up we try anything once twice if we liked it. 3 years is long if the s*x stinks or one of you is not creative not sure what your exact ? is. Do you want to try more? You have to figure out what normal is for you.

  8. well me and my guy has been together since 01 and we still have a healthy s*x life we do it at least 3 times a wk if not more. but that is after juggling work,kids, and a home to tend to. and what should you have tried by now sexually anything that you can imagine it works. we have had lots of lol fun exploring new positions and new places. and we have also tried with a 3rd person.

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