
How often men in their thirties/forties m********e ??

by  |  earlier

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and if they are single, do they rather watch p**n, or think of ex girlfriend ? just curious... !




  1. not an exgirlfired, that would make me gag

    p**n is great, specially when the wife is being a selfish ******.

    and men could m********e any where from 5 times a week to 5 TIMES A DAY!!!!

  2. 96 times a week...give or take another 50

  3. Anywhere from 3 to 5 times a week-----give or take. They usually watch p**n but would rather have a real live female laying next to them.

  4. few times a day

  5. yup agree with CJ.

  6. When I was in my 30's - 40's, I masturbated every day, but not always to o****m.  Sometimes it just FELT GOOD to stroke (or have my lady stroke me).  I'm a bit older now and it STILL feels good to just stroke wihtout going on to o****m.  When my wife does it for me, she calls it 'priming the pump', something you young kids don't know anything about.  It seems like it's all WAM BAM THANKY MAN.

  7. They are usually married and have real s*x.

  8. I am in my 40's, single and dont watch p**n. I usually m********e about 3 or 4 times a week.

  9. 2-4 times a week, and p**n is not really needed--we have loads of imagination and lots of good memories to draw from.  Most married guys I know in their 40's still report masterbating regularly, as the wife is less interested in s*x now.  

  10. I m********e pretty often, several times a week and I am married with a very healthy s*x life. I am in my early 30's with a high s*x drive..

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