
How often/much can u shave your legs before the hairs get thicker n darker?

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And is it about how often you shave them or how many times you have shaved them?




  1. They dont actually get thicker and just seems that way.  Your original hair is fine at the ends, and gets thicker as it gets closer to your leg.....its going to grow the exact same with the same hair, it just seems like its thicker because before you shave you just see the old fine hair.  So basically, the first time you shave it will appear darker.

  2. Uhmm i think you can shave your legs everyday but you have to have rly good blade, shaving cream ect. But i would ONLY do it every 3dys.

    Some ppl say the more you shave the thicker the hair grows in.

  3. once a week.

  4. Amy is basically correct.  When hair grows back it APPEARS thicker/darker because you cut it off, but in reality your hair is based on genetics and cannot be changed just by shaving since it does nothing to the actual follicles.

  5. When you shave your hair no matter how many times you do it even once will cause apical dominance making your hair thincker. So better not do it instead do waxing...

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