
How often should I change the water for my beta fish?

by Guest31669  |  earlier

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I just bought a beta and was told to add some of the dirty water to clean water just so it will help the transition, I see some white flakes on the bottom of the bowl but i dont know if that means its necessary for me to change it. How long could i leave it like that?




  1. about once a month...try not to feed to much....they enjoy the dirty water

  2. never change ALL the water for your betta. your going to want to make partial water changes. bettas are naturally very neat fish, unlike goldfish who seem to dirty up there tank constantly.  the white flakes though? im not positive on what it is, but what you should do is

    1.put your betta in a small container, something to hold it while cleaning.

    2. take another container, and fill it with the old water.

    3. empty the whole tank/bowl, and make sure to clean the gravel. make sure you really rince it. you can rinse it once in super hot water to kill bacteria.

    4.replace some old water in the tank/bowl, and fill the rest with new water. you may now place the betta back in the tank.

    you should only do that when the tank is dirty.


    and every week or two replace 1/3 of the water with new water...


  3. i dont really know, but like if its a beta

    no affence or anything

    but it will probably die soon :(

  4. What size tank and does it have a heater and a filter? I need this info before I can help sorry : (

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