
How often should I change the water in my fish tank?

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I have two small goldfish in a two gallon tank. It doesn't have a filter, just a bubbler/air pump. Right now I'm changing the water about every three days, but I wanted to know if I really have to change it that much.




  1. what you r doing now is fine.

    u should change the water every 3-7 days.

  2. i have a 2.5 gallon with a betta fish in it and i only chnage it 1 time every 2 weeks.

    you dont have to change it every 3 days...try once a week.

  3. 1/2 of the water once a week full  cleanout every month or two

  4. if you get a good filter you will only have to clean the tank every 2 weeks since it's a small tank, if it was bigger every week or so, but i recomend you to buy a filter...GOOD LUCK...

  5. i change the water every month but i have a filter

  6. With a tank that size that has two goldfish in it, you should be changing the water daily. Goldfish are messy, messy fish whose waste produces a lot of poisonous ammonia, more so than your average tetra or betta. Even a small amount of ammonia will kill your fish, or at the very least leave them susceptible to nasty diseases. With a filter, you could go for three or four days without changing the water, but ideally, you should work on moving your fish into a larger tank - 10 gallons per goldfish is an absolute minimum, some even go so far as to say 20 gallons per fish. In an appropriate-sized tank, partial (10-25% volume) water changes are only needed weekly, with maybe a full change every six months or so. With good care and plenty of swimming room a goldfish can live for well over 10 years, and grow to be over 8 inches long.

  7. Your goldfish will have misserably terrible live living in that little of a tank. They need to be in atleast a 20 gallon tank with a filter that is running 200gph. Check out to see how to properly take care of your goldfish and to see how pretty and big goldfish can get. So for the mean time until you go get your bigger tank. Change the water daily and make sure the new, fesh, dechlorinated water  is the same temp as the water they where in.

  8. Gold fish, like most fish, require 20-30% of the water changed per week.  This is with a filter.  Really, Goldfish grow big and will need a larger tank, they also really need a filter.  These fish are "messy" and require frequent substrate vacumes and the regular water changes as I've mentioned above.

    Good luck and happy fish keeping ! :)

  9. Every 3 days is fine but for have to buy a Filter sooner cuz they are dirty fishies....

  10. i change the water in my fish tank when ever it gets dirty or cloudy.

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