
How often should I cut my lawn.?

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How often should I cut my lawn.?




  1. I would cut lawn weekly if you are getting adequate rainfall, if not cut back on your mowing, to about ever two weeks.

  2. You have to cut it according to growth, which will vary as per type of grass and area you live in. I live in Anchorage, Ak and only cut my lawn about 4 times a season.

  3. Whenever the grass gets about 3 to 4 inches high.

  4. Depends totally on the weather. If it's a good mix of sunny days and rainy days, about once a week to every two weeks. If it's very hot and dry, don't cut it until it has a decent height.

  5. It depends on the weather and how often you water, around here (NE WA) we mow ours about once a week.

  6. once a week

  7. When it stops bloody raining, cant cut it when its wet.

  8. It all depends on the climate conditions for where you live and the type of grass you have growing in your yard. With most people, it's a matter of experimenting and figuring out what works best for your schedule & the appearance of your lawn.

    When the weather is cooler, we cut our lawn once every 5 days. When the temps consistently hit 95 and above, we set the mower to the 6" height setting and mow once every 3 weeks. This not only allows the grass to develop deeper roots, but provide more shade to the ground which reduces water evaporation. Longer grass means less watering which  saves $$$ and is better for the environment.

  9. Typical is somewhere between twice a week and once a week.  It depends on (1) the weather (in prolonged dry and/or cool weather you may be able to leave it 10 days, or longer, but when the ground is moist and warm and the sun is shining 5 days may be too long), (2) what sort of mower you have (a rotary can cope easily with long grass, where a cylinder is only good on short grass), (3) what happens to the cuttings (cut more often if you are mulching), and (4) how you like the lawn looking (some people like a lawn like a putting green, others like a meadow, although there may be a "neighbourhood norm" to consider).  For the good of the grass, don't cut it shorter than half an inch unless you have specially prepared the lawn for this, eg as a bowling green, and don't leave it to grow longer than 3".

  10. I try to cut every 6 days or in front of rain so if it says rain on thursday I will cut it on wednesday even if thursday is the 5/6th day also stick to your schedule it may in your eyes look like it doesn't need cutting, you will be surprised how it freshens up the grass with a cut now generally with grass weedkiller you allow 3 days before you apply then 5 days after and you sually need a couple of hours of dry weather for it to act

  11. That depends on how fast it grows; you want to mow no more than 1/3 of the grass blade each time you mow.

    Mowing grass promotes the grass to grow even faster.

  12. the technical answer is cut no more than a 1/4 of total hight from grass at a time. but no that it is raining lots i cut every 5 days or so when i get the time.

  13. the aim is a dense turf with an attractive appearance, so the grass should be cut whenever it visibly exceeds the norm. For very fine lawns this may mean mowing  2 or 3 times per week at the height of the growing season. With our present summer cut when you can.

  14. When it has grown 1/3 longer than the area left over.  This will depend on grass type, sun light, watering, etc... But generally, you dont want to cut off more than 1/3 of the height or it damages the plants.  Could be weekly or monthly depending.

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