
How often should I let my son drink water?

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He only drinks water and recently the price went $2 up for what I usually buy him.

I'm thinking of cutting back on his water supply as I'm saving to buy a motorcycle and I'd hate to wait even longer to when I actually get it.

So my bottomline question is, what is the most minimum amount of water that my kid can drink and still survive? Please note that I'm looking for the minimum that will allow him to survive and not the average.





  1. why buy when it comes from a tap????????????

    Buy a water filter, they are really cheap and chill the water from the tap, or boil it, cool and chill it.

    If it's a case of he takes a bottle of water with him  when he's out doing sports buy a thermos type bottle  or freeze a refillable water bottle that way when he wants it it is nice and chilled.

    he NEEDS water to survive you do not NEED a motorcycle to survive.

  2. as much water as he wants.

  3. Water is an essential part of life and unless you live in an area where it's not readily available then you should not even be considering restricting the amount he can drink. If he is thirsty then he should be given water. [Is there not anyway you could use tap water?]

    I honestly cannot believe that you are putting a motorcycle above water for your child. There probably is a minimum amount of water for survival, but what are you going to say to your son when he's thirsty and has had his 'allowance' for the day? "Sorry no more water today, I'm saving for my motorbike!"

  4. drink tap water!!!! and also ditch the bike crazy parent

  5. are you kidding me?...are you that selfish of a parent to reduce WATER????????? water is FREE from a tap!!..a motorcycle should be the last thing on your mind when it comes to that or your children. asking what the minimum of water to survive..omg!!!..there is NO minimum..your supposed to drink at LEAST 8 10 ounces glasses of water a day..what is your next question going to be?..o my kid loves his veggies but i need to know how much can he eat to survive so i can afford a hottub....what an ignorant pathetic excuse for a human being you are let alone parent.  

  6. Unless you think it's a sign of an underlying condition, your child should be allowed to drink as much water is he wants.  If he's thirsty, it's because he's getting dehydrated.

    Bottled water is a big rip off, so why do you have to buy water - can't you use tap or filter it?  If the water is undrinkable where you are consider getting a water cooler as it will work out cheaper in the long run, he'll have as much water as he wants/needs and you'll get your bike.

  7. Dude,

    s***w the kid,

    Buy the Bike.

    I mean, once you buy it you gotta pay for petrol 2.

    $2 is a lot. Just make him drink tap water. and if he doesn't like it tough, you had to drink it when you were younger.

  8. hello everyone needs water- it come free from a tap, how selfish of you to want for yourself at the expense of your childs health.

    he needs at least 8 glasses a day at least. thats about 2-3 litres.

    i cannot believe that you even asked this question. why are you buying bottled water anyway when it comes free from your tap in the kitchen???????

    grow up and dont be so selfish.

  9. ur sad!

  10. Whenever he wants, you see, if he dehydrates, his metabolism will weaken, if his metabolism weaken, he can't concentrate at school. If he can't concentrate at school, then he lose marks.

  11. Ha!  s***w the water, cut it off completely and go for the bike.  

    BTW - I think the real issue here is an environmental one.  You shouldn't be buying bottled water anyway, there is perfectly good, safe water right from your tap!  

  12. water is free ,

    but i know in some areas that the water is not exactly..clean from the tap

    so here's what you do to save money , buy a good water purifier ,

    one that you can attach to your sink

    and then you can have as much free clean water as you'd like.


  13. Surely your childs health is more important than saving for a motorcycle, let him drink as much as he likes.


  14. i hate it when people put joke questions on here

  15. my son drinks tap water.. however my 6 month old daughter drinks nursery water.. use common sense if he has a medical condition requireing bottle water then find else where to cut cost.. like drop your internet.. sell your pc.. btw i also just bought a motorcycle.

  16. Hey, before I answer your question, I'm gonna ask you this "Are you really a father to that 13 years old boy?" That's a stupid question. Water is absolutely essential to stay alive. If about 20% of body water is lost,death results.Water accounts for about 60%-65% of body weight for a normal adult however for normal child, water accounts for about 70% to 75%. Good for your son because water has many functions, one of which is that water is a good regulator of body temperature through it ability to conduct heat. Also water acts as a lubricant of the joints and the viscera in the abdominal cavity. Next function,water is a vital component of every cell,organ and tissue of the body,Last, water is nearly a universal solvent.

    Most RDA tables recommend 6-10 glasses of water or 1.5 to 2.5 liters a day.But during hot weather, fevers,hemorrhage,excessive sweating,vomiting,diarrhea,& high protein intake the allowance for water intake is increased. Other nutritionists suggest that fluid intake be based on body weight, which varies with age.

    Be wise for the health benefit of your son,don't ask for the minimum amount of water but you give it as if it is he want. Remember that life begins with water. Forget for the motorcycle.

  17. jesus christ what is wrong with you? why dont you just not eat for the next 6 months rather then making your kid dehydrate so you can get a F***king motorbike!!! s***w the motor bike! people like you shouldnt be allowed to have kids!!!

  18. Oh you should not even be a parent!  A child should drink as much water as that child desires.  To not allow this would be extremely selfish of you to choose a motorbike over the health of your child!  What a strange question!  Where do you live that you cannot filter tap water for him or something?

  19. Where the h**l do you live that you can only drink bottled water? This is a very strange question and the amount of water needed for survival depends on the rate at which he will sweat is out. How active is he, how hot is it where you live. If your tap water is dodgy boil it first then refrigerate. Buying bottled water is nuts.

  20. Is your tapwater supply really that dangerous, given that you quote prices in dollars?

    I think you're a troll because this is simply a stupid question. There must be hundreds of things that you could save more money on than the amount of water a child drinks.

    Nobody knows what the minimum to survive is. How would they? It's not like it's something you can do trials on. Oops,  he appears to have died, guess that was less than the minimum then...

  21. I hope this question is a joke to get a rise!

  22. he should be able to drink as much water as he wants.. there is no limit to drinking water.. its all good for you! why buy water anyway when u can drink water form the tap or boil the tap water and pop it in the fridge and drink. saves money.

  23. Wow.

    Water is very beneficial and if you're LUCKY enough to have a kid who actually LIKES it, let him have as much as he wants.


  24. ohh 13 yrs old well ur kid is more important than a mortobike

  25. Well, why don't you give him your share of the water instead of cutting his down?

    Then you'll know what amount of water is necessary for survival firsthand.

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