
How often should I read to my 4 month old?

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I'm just wondering what is generally considered a sufficient amount of reading time for a baby this age.




  1. I read to my 4 month old ALL the time!! I might skip a day or two a week but he LOVES it!!! He starts cooing now when I start reading like he is helping me or something!!! I started out with "Goodnight Moon" now we read books that last about 15 minutes!!!

  2. Every day for 10-15 minutes.  The more words your baby hears in a day the higher his vocab will be!

  3. At least 10 min everyday  

  4. As often as you are able - as others have said!

    The tone of your voice and the rhythm of the words help them develop fluent speech patterns, even if you're just talking about what's in the pictures, and pointing to different things on the pages.

    That said, don't beat yourself up if you miss days or weeks - you're still interacting with your baby, and THAT is the most important thing!

    I love that my 18 month old will now bring books over to anyone who's around, then sit on the floor expectantly, waiting for a story.  

  5. 15+ minutes every day from birth until they can read to you instead!

  6. everyday as much as possible, you can't do it too much. anytime you want some peace and quiet sit down with her/him and read when your nursing is a good time

  7. my daughter  is 6 mos old. we started reading to her when she was 3 months.  we started with once a day one short book.  now she loves it and can turn the pages herself.  we read 2-3 times a day probably 5 books each time.  i dont know what is sufficient, but if your baby likes it, do it as much as you want

  8. 20 minutes a day.  Or as much as you feel like.  Babies dont understand what you are reading to them yet, but the closeness and your voice are what is important.

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