
How often should I take my German shepherd out for a walk?

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We have a busy schedule. But we still get her out. But I would just like some suggestions on how often it is recommended for a German shepherd to go for a walk?




  1. you should take it around thee neighborhood like twice a day..or if its a big neighborhood then only walk it once...

  2. when ever you can find the time all dogs need at least twice or once but twice is better...

  3. 2 hours twice a day or they will wind up on the show dog whisperer

  4. Hi

    We have to walk our dogs every single day...we owe that to them

    At least 15-30 minutes.  I promise once you see how happy your dog is you will look forward to taking him on a walk and giving him this treat to life.  Please see Caesar Millan books and information on National Geographic

  5. If I remember correctly, twice a day.

    Do yourself a favor, if you can accommodate another dog-- assuming here that you have a fair-size yard-- get your German shepherd a playmate, and you can half that (and occasionally miss a day without feeling guilty).  If you decide to do this, the next question you ask in this forum is how to introduce the two dogs so they will get along.

  6. dog should have walks everyday to relive stress and get out. i have a german Shepherd and i walk it either twice a day for 30 minutes or once a day for an hour. i have a busy schedule too but i've learned that you have to make time for your dog.

  7. German Shepherds are working dogs and need daily exercise.  You should walk your dog at least twice a day at 30 min intervals.  That would be the best for the dog.  You mention a we so you guys can rotate taking the dog out for walks.  If you live in a neighborhood with doggie parks I recommend going there as well as long as your dog is friendly and won't attack other dogs.  Good luck.

  8. at least once in the morning and once at night.

  9. Once in the morning..for an hour or so..and once in the evening, again an hour or so... then there's that half in hour washroom break and stuff !

    Good Luck ! :D

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