
How often should I tan?

by Guest55983  |  earlier

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I am going to Jamaica in two weeks and I don't want to end up a lobster after my first day and be uncomfortable for the rest of my trip. I just started tanning which I never do. I am very fair skinned and even though I plan on using sunscreen in Jamaica, I would like to get some of the burn and tan out of the way. How often do you think I should tan and do you think two weeks is enough time?




  1. yes, i would say 2 weeks is enough time to develop some color in a tanning bed. make sure you watch your minutes in the bed, as long as youre not burning, gradually increase your minutes each time. i would say you should go tanning atleast 4 times a week to develop some color being fair skinned, especially since you can control your time take adventage of this! after tanning, in jamacia you deffinately wont burn since you already have a base tan, just use some sunscreen on places like your shoulders nose or back if you are going to be in the sun all day, so that you dont develop any burn! have fun :)

  2. never. it gives u skin cancer. but if u have to, try once or twice a week, but no more than tht, and wear tanning lotion to protect ur skin.

  3. You really should never tan, especially in tanning beds.  Tanning bed have been associated with skin cancer.  If you decide to tan, do so in the sun with a good SPF.  I would really recommend using a self tanning lotion like Jergens.  Make sure that you exfoliate your body prior to application to ensure that everything is even.  If you don't, you may end up with darker spots around your knees and elbows.  If you are still nervous about using a self tanning lotion, you can always get a body bronzing treatment at your local beauty spa or tanning salon.

  4. I too am very fair skinned.

    I started tanning for the first time

    this year and it took about a month

    for me to start developing a good

    color, but that can vary.

    Plan on going about once every other day.

    Thats what they told me at the salon and

    then once you have a pretty good base

    tan you can go less frequently.

    I have been going once or twice every couple

    of weeks lately.

    Also, if you want a "REAL" tan so you dont burn

    in Jamaica, do NOT use bronzers. Use a regular

    tanning lotion.

    ETA: Also, dont listen to Thomas. The most you

    should EVER go in a tanning bed is 20 minutes.

    And thats in the lowest level bed they have..  

    Start out going 7, then 10, then 12, then 15, then

    20. An hour is NOT good.

  5. I have been to Jamaica this time of year and it is really hot right now. 2 weeks may not be enough but if you hit the tanning bed once a day for 1/2 hour working your way up to 1 hour by the end then you should be ok. Definitely use the sunscreen because the sun is "different" there just due to where on the planet you are and it is hotter!!

  6. Why would you waste your time and health in sun beds if you can go for one session of spray tanning and then just use sunscreen all the time that you are in Jamaica. By the time your spray tan fades, your natural tan that you get in Jamaica will have slowly developed (even sunscreen does not stop you tanning all together).

    That works perfectly, I have done it many times and is not only better for you but also cheaper, so you can have more cash to take on your holidays.

  7. like every 3rd day. you should put like a low SPF on and when your done tanning, you should get like some sel ftanner, and while you not tannig you will look good, and be tan.

    And when you tan, you can also put the self tanner on so while your in the sun getting a real tan, you have the self tanner working too, to give you a quick, easy, painfree tan =]

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