
How often should I water do green grape vines?

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How often should I water do green grape vines?




  1. It probably depends on how deep the root system is. Like u do not want to let it dry out all the way down.

    so if the vine is huge, maybe water it like a small tree, like once a week or so. if it is young, maybe more often. Especially if it is a new planting; like if it is BRAND new then it will need to be constantly moist until it gets settled in; like water every day for the first three days (give it shade during that time too) but after that, then water it every couple of days until you see it start to grow. and then you can start to let the top of the soil dry out a little between waterings....but still not letting it dry out all the way down.

    one inch of water will go down about one foot. i am guessing a big vine will need at least two inches; maybe even more if it is a huge vine. slow drip is best.

    if u live in a humid climate with clay based soil, you may want to wait two weeks between waterings.

    but if u live in Arizona with dry air and sand based soil, maybe you want to water every five days or such.<<this situation probably calls for using mulch. usually mulch is optional.

    The grapevine has roots that will spread about 5 - 8 feet away from it. so it is good if that whole area gets water. if there is grass on that area too, then it will need more water. not more often necessarily, just that the grass will use about an inch or more a week.

    here is a page of places to find grape info. these government pages appear to tell you everything except how much to water. stupid. but true. it is best to find a source of information that is in your area and about your certain type of grape; especially if u spray for things:

    here is a garden forum, where you can ask other people and talk about all whatever:

    and another one:

    one thing i have heard about grape culture is how they do not want extra phosphorus at any time. also they do not want nitrogen during fruit formation. <<This seems to leave only potassium as a constant wanted fertilizer. which you can get from straw mulch or granite dust or kelp (which kelp would add all the micronutrients).

    if you use green grass at the beginning of the season, it will release nitrogen and then turn into straw.

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