
How often should I water my Spindle Palm tree?

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The label says the soil needs to be semi-moist. Should I water it once a day or once every other day or what?




  1. Check evry 5 to 7 days, first inch or so of soil, water thourghly. Depending on where you live and where you keep your plant inside/outside will depend on how fast they dry out. check out for tons of helpful information on any type of palm, such as feedind, watering, soil, container plants, etc. I just got a spindle and keep it srtictly indoors and have to water it about once a week. They like very good draining soil, and hight moisture. If inside mist a few times a day, and keep good indirect light on it. Good luck

  2. Spindle palms like to be dry or moderately dry. They aren't true desert palms but are common in desert areas such as southern california. If outdoors and hot outside water every three days. If indoors only water when dry not bone dry but pretty dry. Don't water thouroghly when indoors and don't water too thouroght outdoors. Make sure the plant has good drainage

  3. Palms require very little water.You should only water when the whole soil has dried out,and water once perhaps every fortnight.A lot depends on the weather,but don't over-water,you'll kill it.

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