
How often should i check my blood?

by  |  earlier

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I'm injecting 4 times a day and for the first time I have my blood sugar levels in the normal range. How often should I check my blood now? I had been checking between 4 and 6 times a day.




  1. If your using insulin 4 times a day than checking 5 minutes before each injection (or whenever you feel like your BGL is low) and then 5-20 minutes after is a pretty good bet. Give your Doc a call and get his advice. No need to stick yourself more times than you should. Although it sounds like you've got your Blood Sugar staying at a good level!

    Just remember to stay vigilant with your medications and BGL check routine it will keep you alive and happy!

  2. Congratulations on your good control!!

    General rule, only test if it's going to help you control or learn something. If you're injecting 4 times a day you need to know what your food is doing to your BS.  Use your testing to help you keep the control and to learn when your spike is after you eat  try 1 and 2 hour testing to help you understand this. testing at only 2 hours sometimes misses the spike.

    Best advice I ever got was Test Test Test, eat test adjust test again after a while you will know what different meals are doing and you can reduce testing a little. Be aware that the same meal at different times of the day may have different results.Most diabetics find morning is the time to reduce carb intake.

  3. My friend who had diabetes would check four times a day and then also whenever he felt faint or 'odd' - also when he was in a bad mood or sleepy as for him these were signs that his levels were too high.  

  4. You should check at least 4 or 5 times a day, (when ever you eat, and before bed). But you also need to check if you feel funny, like your high or low, or if you are excersizing more than usual or having any schedule change that might effect your blood sugar.

  5. The general advice is to check it each time before you inject. I am a bit concerned that a diabetic injecting insulin is not getting their advice from either their doctor or more appropriately from their diabetic liaison nurse!


  7. At least 4-before meals and before bed.If you feel light headed or jittery you need to check it then also.

  8. 4-6 times a day is pretty good.  If you find yourself running into more than the occasional high BG, then monitor 6-8x a day for a while until you can identify the patterns, make some adjustments and get it back under control.  I'm on a pump, I typically test 6-8 a day but you have to test more when you're on a pump.  

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