
How often should i give my dog that doesn't shed a bath? she doesn't shed so she stinks a lot.?

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but she is only about 8 months old and i don't want to give her dry skin or anything. what do you think? and i also have another dog who stinks a lot. but she sheds and mt other dog doesn't. she is about 7 years old and how often should i give her a bath?




  1. Answer The simplest answer to this question is, whenever he needs it. Dogs who spend the most of their time indoors will not need much bathing, while dogs who are outside a lot, romping in the mud and trees (and possibly other smelly things) will need to be bathed more often. Also, some dogs' coats will accumulate grease and oil more quickly than others.

    Breeds prone to oily skin and other skin conditions, such as Cocker Spaniels, benefit from regular bathing about every four weeks. Breeds with a thick, double coat, like huskies and chows, only need bathing about three or four times a year. Washing a dog with an undercoat more often than this can make the coat softer and less waterproof and insulating.

    In general, you can use your common sense to judge when your dog needs bathing. If you're concerned about causing dry skin, there are moisturizing treatments available at most pet stores, which you rub into your dog's skin after you shampoo him. If your dog seems uncomfortable or shows signs of skin problems, consult your veterinarian.


    Personal experience with short hair is daily brushing.

    Same with long and thichkcoat.

    However I do not bath my dogs frequently and neither smell.

    If I did I would use a conditioning product that is specific for regualr bathing.

    Complete drying is important for odor and  prevent skin problems.

    Proper brush and combs for coat type.

    I do feed them a high end prepared dry food however.

  2. Maybe twice a month with a mild shampoo, so her skin doesn't get to dry.  xox

  3. It can really depend on the breed of dog and the type of coat they have.  It's best to look up for the specific breed.  My Lhasa Apso gets pretty dirty since we have horses and stuff but I try not to bathe him more than once a month since he already has pretty sensitive skin.  

  4. Once every couple of weeks with regular brushing. I would also use dog conditioner as well as shampoo. Your local pet store should have some.

  5. Well, If she stinks alot, then once every week or every 2 weeks. My dog doesnt shed, and she doesnt stink either, But she gets her monthly bath !!!!!

  6. I have a yorkie and a yorkie poo, we wash them about once a week and sometimes more if they got really dirty somehow. But its not good to wash them every day or couple even if they stink so maybe just do it on saturdays.

  7. The breed type would have helped here but on the average no more than once a month and if they have a tendency to have dry skin you may want to try the oat meal shampoo for sensitive skin.  Dogs with lots of folds have a tendency to smell bad and it would be good to have a weekly bath with something designed for their coat and skin so it doesn't strip all of the oils from them. You might want to use a "leave in" conditioner and lightly spray her.  If it is some sort of wrinkle faced dog, peke, pug, japanese chin, etc. Then you can do less bathing by taking a warm wet cloth with water, a tiny bit of soap and clean it's face and folds then just rinse your cloth and wipe the folds/wrinkles then dry them so the moisture doesn,t build.  The "shedding dog you don't want to put water  on her until you brush her out and make sure she is free of tangles the water will make it worse and you'll both hate it. Good luck I'm shaving my Aussie tomorrow so he'll get his winter coat in so I'll be there in spirit

  8. whenever its smells stinky bathe it

  9. I bathe my dogs every 10 days unless they really need one sooner than that. If you wash them more often than that they will tend to get dry skin. It's good to have some natural oil on their skin.

    Combing/Brushing your dog every couple of days will also help. Although your dog doesn't shed, it needs to be groomed to keep the undercoat in good condition.

  10. a bath every two weeks is good. If she smells inbetween times, use baby wipes on her. My dog hates for me to wash him with a rag, but loves baby wipes!

  11. 2weeks

  12. If the dog has a coat, it sheds... it's just that some breeds don't seem to shed much.

    Regularly combing the dog will help, since it removes quite a bit of c**p and debris from the fur.

    If the dog is primarily a house dog, you can bathe it once a week or so without (usually) having to worry much about skin issues - especially of you use gentle shampoos like Johnson & Johnson's Baby Shampoo or Neutrogena. If your home is drafty, and it's not exactly warm out...make sure you dry the dog as much as possible!

    If the dog is an outdoor dog, you can bathe it about once a month or so (or whenever it comes home REALLY stinky) year round, just make sure to keep the dog in for a couple days while it's coat regains it's insulative value. As for hosing it long as the temperature doesn't fall below freezing, you can pretty much do that whenever you want, since it is the shampoo (soap) that compromises the insulative value of the dog's coat, not water.

    Besides, lots of (most) dogs LOVE water! Pool owners that have dogs can attest to that! When I was a kid, I never knew who enjoyed running on the shore or our dog!

    As someone else said...try to avoid putting water in the dog's ears.

    Good Luck!

  13. I would say once a week.  

  14. If you use a good shampoo and even finish with a conditioner, you won't have to worry about her skin. I give both of my dogs baths as they need it. As in, they smell I can't stand it anymore, time for a bath.

  15. once a day

  16. once a month, twice if she happens to get dirty by playing outside or something.

    you dont want to wash your dog to much, that whole once a week c**p some posted above me, never do that.

    your dog produces oils that are good to be there and if you wash them to much you will get rid of those oils and dry your dogs skin out and they will start itching badly and breaking the skin.

    once a month is fine unless they get into something dirty.

    as for your stinky dog, once every 2 weeks, but also use a doggy conditioner on that one.

  17. Sorry bout you stinky thats fun to say.

    Give your dogs a bath about two times a month.

  18. Once a week. They do sell spray deodorants for dogs. They don't smell bad at all. If you wash her one a week and spray twice, That should take care of the Stink!

    Oh my god People! Why the Thumbs Down! Hello how many times do we take a shower! I Take them Daily. Imagine  a dog that has hair all over the Place!!!!!!

  19. i think that if your dogs shedding you should take them outside and brush them instead of bathing them, also it depends on the variables.

    i mean are they outside dogs? did they roll in something?

    you know.

    its probably just up to your best judgment, I bath my dog maybe once every 3 monthes but he is indoors other then to go out to piddle..


    and from experience! do NOT get your dogs ears wet.

    if you think they stink now, wait until after that.


    i hope this was somewhat helpful

    just use your best judgment!

  20. If you use a good quality shampoo, and conditioner, her skin will be fine.  I would recommend no more than once a week, every other week or every third week is best.

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